ballet class and end

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Anna woke up to find Natália in her room, ready to take her to breakfast. After they had eaten, Natália told Anna that she was going to take her to a ballet class. Anna was outraged at the thought of going to a class designed for toddlers, but Natália insisted that it was good for her to act her age.

After breakfast, Natália dressed Anna in a pink tutu, pink ballet slippers, and a leotard. Anna felt embarrassed to be wearing such a childish outfit, but Natália seemed pleased with her appearance.

During the class, Anna struggled to keep up with the other toddlers. She found it difficult to move around in her bulky diaper, and her balance was thrown off by the added weight. Despite her best efforts, Anna ended up wetting her diaper during the class, much to her embarrassmentAfter the class was over, Natália took Anna home and gave her a bath. She then dressed Anna in new pajamas, which consisted of a onesie with cartoon animals on it, and put her to bed. Anna couldn't help but feel humiliated by the events of the day, but she was too tired to stay awake and dwell on them.Anna started waking up wet every morning wet and wet during the day accepted her fate as a baby, and Gaby was leaving when she got close Anna said she could avoid everything if had played but now her future was always playing house Natália took Anna with a child's outfit to the car she was going to take Gaby home on the way back from the house she felt like pooping and had no choice but to accept and pooped in the diaper

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