Chapter 40

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The next morning Ahsoka woke up early to visit Anakin. At first Kix didn't wanted to let her in but she beg her way in.

"Good morning Skyguy." She said and sat down in the chair she always sits in. "You'll never guess what happened yesterday. I'm not sure if you'll be happy but Lux asked me out on a date. Please don't be over projective when you wake up. Lux is a nice guy and Padme agreed with me." She stayed quiet. She tried do find him through the force but she couldn't. "I know I tell you all the time but- but I miss you. I really do. I hope you come back soon."

A couple minutes later Obiwan arrived.

"You're early." Obiwan said.

"Kix let me in." Ahsoka said and turned back to Anakin. Obiwan brought a chair and sat next to her.

"You know you can't keep doing this."

"What? I really don't know what you're talking about."

"You can't be here all the time. You should sleep too."

"I sleep at night."

"Ahsoka. You can't spend all your free time here."

"I do what I want with my free time. And I'm not always here."

"I know you miss him."

"Everyone does. But it's still hard."

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