what your yansim kin says about you (kotone version)

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in the context of my au

i doubt that it will ever get enough attention that people will start to actually resonate with this specific version of the characters but let me have fun ok!?!??! >:(


ayano: you probably used to treat people horribly, realized it a long time later, and now feel extremely bad about it and have no hope in yourself (but its ok, i have hope in you)

taro: you cant say no. to anything. or anyone. its not selfish to say no, just so yk.

osana: youre afraid of rejection and feel like you arent deserving of love so you try to push away anyone who gets close to you in fear that theyll hurt you or youll hurt them.

raibaru: you probably have a lot of strong opinions that you dont express because no matter what you do, everyone will judge and mock you for them.

kuu: youre typically very emotionally unavailable with the exception of your loved ones, who you still have trouble expressing affection to, but manage in more subtle ways.

horuda: you have trouble cutting people off or standing your ground. you tend to say you forgive someone even if you really dont, simply for the sake of avoiding conflict in fear that itll come back to bite you in the ass in the long run, or even right there on the spot.

sakyu: you have a lot of preconceived notions and expectations about/of you that you struggle with fighting off, especially because people would condemn you if you dared to prove that you are anything other than what they think of you.

inkyu: money money money

amai: youve been told many times before that youre overreacting or that its an inappropriate time when you express any negative emotions. you have a lot of bottled up anger that you tend to release in little bursts because thats the only way you can.

shoku: youve probably always been percieved as the "mature one" by people. you might be someone young, but always told that you act more like an adult, when really you are just as prone to making mistakes as any other kid. however, youre afraid to disappoint all of the grown ups who have such high expectations of you.

kenko: you either have a parent who always condemns you and constantly seek the approval of by acting like them and rejecting all other ideals... or youre a weird ass megalomaniac.

seiyo: youre a very supportive person and you hate seeing people sad. you only want the best for the people around you and will do anything to make your loved ones happy again. (and probably love miley cyrus a lot)

ajia: you should not be a parent

saki: you are fully willing to make sacrifices for the things you care about, which makes some people perceive you as stubborn and ruthless, but youre just very loyal and have a strong sense of justice.

kizana: youre extremely afraid of failure or fading into the background and try your hardest to make sure neither happen. you tend to exaggerate everything just to make sure people look at you, and bring other people down so you can always stay on top.

tsuruzo: you set very high expectations on yourself and beat yourself up for it when you cant meet them. you always blame yourself for not being there for a friend, not going above and beyond with your responsibilities, and most importantly, not knowing the answer to every little thing.

shozo: you probably dont get much attention from your parents and make up for it by causing scenes and pestering everyone so someone will acknowledge you or even try to keep you in check, much like the responsible figure you so lack.

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