Nurse's help (part 1)🧸

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Chay has been a nurse since his loss

As chay had stopped wanting to be a simger, he studied to become a nurse. Well he wanted to be a doctor but since he was just graduated it would become easier to be a nurse. So chay took on the job.

Suddenly chay got called into the hospital room on the top floor. The room was at the top of the hospital, which was only reserved for the richest ones. Apparently someone specifically wanted him.

Chay finally made it to the top, room 629 chay thought. He had found it pretty quickly, he knocked on the door. He fixed himself before hearing a approval.

He opened the door with a smile on his face, but in no time that smile dropped. When he saw kim, sitting with his back on the back board of the bed.

His face was bloody with bruises , bandage's and plasters across his arms. The corner of his lip was bleeding. Chay had no choice but to walk closer.

Kim looked at him dead in the eyes, chay was regretting every minute of it. Kim smiled at him, with his usual nice smile one that chay wanted to rip off his face.

Chay walked up to kim's bed and stood next to him. At this point chay couldn't controle his himself. His fingers travelled to kims chin lifting it up. Chay closely examined his face. Nothing too serious.

Chay grabbed some alcohol wipes, some plasters and bruises gel. He opened one alcohol wipe and brought himself even closer to kim. He started to caress the wipe gently on kims cheek, gradually reaching his lip. He gently went over kim's bottom lip.

Kim groaned at the pain. Chay put away the wipe and grabbed another one. At this point chay had one knee on the bed and the other off the bed. Chay patted the small scar on the side of kims jaw. Chay got up again, and this time grabbed some gel.

He came back over to kim and squirted some onto his two fingers. He came inches away from kims face. Chays cold fingers hit under kims eyes. Kims shivered at the coldness of the gel.

Chays eyes didnt leave the bruises, he was very concerned in the bruise. Chay looked up only to lock eyes with kim's, chay gulped.

Chay had to admit he wanted to kiss kim really badly, but he couldn't. So Chays face moved away from kim's, he quickly walked out of there. Chay knew he would have to serve Kim until kim was leaving. Chay shivered just at the thought.

Kim watched chay leave, him and chay were too close there. However kim's eyes didn't leave chay and he walked out that door.

The day rolled by pretty quickly, it reached the night. Until chay got called into the same room again. He signed, but he had to do it. Not like he had a choice.

He walked the same hallway again, and knocked on the door. He incidentally heard a come in, so he opened the door. Kim was still sitting in the same position as before.

He looked slightly better, chays cheeks gone hotter. Kim looked better than before. The end of his hair stuck on to his forehead from sweating, his sharp eyes locked on Chay and his broad chest was rising up and down.

Chay walked slowly up to kim, kim's eyes were following his every step.

"So why did you call me in?"

"I just wanted to see you"

Chay huffed, he put his useless stuff down. He crossed his arms, and sat on the edge of the bed. Chay raised his eyebrow as he felt kims hand creep up his thigh.

Chay's eyes followed kims fingers, his fingers creast chays upper thigh. Until kim got to close. Chay slapped kims hand causing kim to quickly take it back and rubbed it.


Kim pouted while rubbing his hand. He was trying to make chay feel bad and it definitely worked. Kim felt a small finger slip under his chin lifting his head up.

Chay pulled kim into a passionate kiss, chay's wrapped his hands around kim's neck. Kim was shocked at chays action. Chay smirked and got back up leaving kim shocked. Chay said something before exiting.

"Ill meet you for your nightly check up soon"

Chay giggled and left kim sitting there. Afterall chay still was at work, it was just his break tho.

Chay wanted to tease kim, cause of what kim did earlier. And he was going to do something at 10 in the night.

Chays plan was going perfectly.....😏


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