The club🔞

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Chay goes with macau to a club, 4 months after kimchay's break up. He wants to live again, but what if things go unexpected?

Chay had been speaking with macau earlier. Macau begged for chay to take care of himself, for his blood to be pumping. For chay too smile in months. For chay to feel slightly lively again.

It had been about 4 months since kim and chay broke up. And as much as chay hates kim now, he couldn't lie but he missed him.

Chay missed the way kim's hands wondered across his skin, the compliments kim would give him, the unexpected love from a mafia. Kims smile, a genuine one.

Thats what chay missed so much, he'd never believe what happed 4 months ago. But right now chay wants to focus on himself. Chay turned around looking into the mirror.

The leather leggings clung onto his skin, his ass really did look great in these, with a tight black turtle neck. The tightness definitely showed of his feminine side, something that he was insecure about before. Chay squinted his eyes slightly, something was missing.

When chay got the thing, he grabbed a near by lip gloss. The cherry red color would snap out, the lip stick was glossy but had a vibrant color.

Chay brought up his middle finger, patting the red onto his lips. He made sure it was perfect. He smiled at the detail, chay jolted at the beep of a car. He quickly grabbed his keys and phone. He shut the door quickly.

The sky had gotten dark, it was 7 already. Chay walked up to macau's car. His hand grabbed the black handle and the door clicked open. Chay got into the car.

"Ready to party?!"

"You know my answer"

Macau smiled at chay and pulled from his house. On the way to the club.


They entered the club, the music was blasting and the crowds where dancing there lives off. Macau grabbed chays hand and led him to the pub. They sat in the high chairs.

They got some drinks, at this point chays blood was pumping. His head was slightly dizzy and Cau pulled chay onto the dance floor.

Porchay quickly got the rythem of the blasting music. His hips swayed and he put his hand in the air. This night was made for him.

A pair of arms creep across his waist, chay feels someone's chest against his back. Chays eyes wondered to see who it was. It was a stranger, however chay was too drunk to care.

He danced with the stranger, the stranger had his hand gliding across chays whole body. Macau was nowhere to be found. The music and the people where just as hyped up as before.

However chay had a deep feeling someone had been staring at him the entire night. He had a gut feeling, but ignored it aswell.

Chay suddenly needed the toilet, so he un-wrapped himself leaving the stranger behind. He entered the hallway leading to the bathroom. He entered the bathroom.

It looked surprisingly nice and clean for a club bathroom. Chay wasn't really surprised, as the club was one of the richest in Thailand. So it wasn't an exact shocker.

Chay walked over to the sinks, the water filled up his palms. Chay splashed the water onto his face, letting the water drip down his face.

By the time chay lifted his face up the water was clearly gone. Chay looked at him self in the mirror. His outfit was still perfect, and his lip stick was somehow still on.

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