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Quinn's Point of View
📍 Newark, New Jersey
🕰️ 4/12/23

I hate time. I hate when we have the lead in a game and I'm just waiting for time to expire. I hate when I'm at a concert and I'm counting down the minutes until it starts, although it feels like hours. I hate time because in these moments, it goes so slow.

I hate when the team is down and we have to get a goal before time expires. I hate when I'm at a concert and it goes by in minutes. I hate time in these moments, it goes too fast.

I hate time right now because it's going too fast. I wish it would go slow. They saying is, 'time goes by when you're having fun.' but I'm not having fun and it's going by faster than I want it to.

Today is full of last times. It's the last time I'll be driving from my apartment to Prudential Center, the last time I'll be in that locker room, the last time I'll really be apart of this team, this is the last time for a lot of things.

I used to complain about this drive, because I hate driving on this specific part of the highway and that's the only way to get to the arena. Now, I wish I hadn't complained. I wish I appreciated this drive.

I greet all the staff, and they must know it's my last time being here. I say bye to all the coaches and trainers. I start to go into the locker room, but before I do, I just stand outside of it.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, creating a memory. I don't want to forget any of the memories I made in this place. I walk in, and all the guys clap for me. I've only been apart of this team since the beginning of the season, and they made me feel so at home.

I go towards my locker and begin to put my things into my duffel bag. They all just watch me as I do. I remember brining these things here, putting them all in my locker. I wonder who'll get this locker after me.

The moving company has my stuff being taken to my apartment, it's crazy what can happen on such short notice when the NHL commissioner is asking for it. I'm driving directly from here to New York. I wish I had more time.

As I put my stuff into my bag, I think about all the memories I've made here over this past season. My first goal, my first hat trick, my solo lap, all of my firsts. But today isn't about that. Unfortunately, it's about all of my lasts.

I turn around. You would think I've done all my crying yesterday, but standing here looking at my best friends. Actually, fuck that. Looking around at my family, I can't help but be emotional. "I'm really going to miss you guys."

Nico hugs me, then I feel Dawson join in too. Luke, Jack's little brother, joins too. He was drafted in 2021, but he didn't join the team until this past game. Then Timo, John, V, Schmido, Miles, Dougie. The next thing I know, I'm in a 20 person hug.

"Don't go all crazy Ranger on us, Brookie." Dawson says trying to lighten up the mood a little bit.

"Yeah, don't make it too hard on me in the playoffs." V says. Fuck, playing against them in the playoffs is going to suck.

I look over, and Nico's crying. "Nico." I hug him again. He's like the big brother I never had.

"I'm really gonna miss you, Brookie." He says. He gave me that nickname, it was one of the first weeks I was on the team.

"Your spot is always going to be open if by some miracle you get to come back. It's not like we could ever replace you, anyway." John says.

I look around. "I guess this is it. The next time I see you guys it'll be in the playoffs." I wish I was experiencing my first ever playoff series with them, not against them.

"I love you guys..." I feel my eyes start to fill with tears again. "so so much."

"You're gonna do amazing things no matter what team you're on, even if it is the Rags." Luke says.

"Are you ready to go?" I don't want to, but I have to be getting on the road soon. This sucks.

"Mhm." I say one last goodbye to each of my guys. I don't want to play on the other side of the ice from them.

Jack walks me to my car, and I know we have to talk. Walking out of the locker room and away from the arena for the last time was a pain I thought I was ready for, but I'm not.

"I'm really going to miss you." He speaks between sobs. I hate this so much. We aren't going to break up, and technically it's not long distance. But playing on the rival team of my boyfriend isn't exactly a piece of cake.

"Me too."

"Promise to call and text every day, okay? And, and whenever I can, I'll come see you." He says.

"I promise." I say. Seeing him like this, so emotional, it's making me want to not listen to the commissioner.

"Don't forget about us."

"I could never forget about you or the team. You guys are my family." Let's just say my parents aren't really in the picture.

I made this my family over time, and the fact that I have to throw it all away because of something like this? It's not fair.

"I love you so fucking much, Quinn." He says.

"I love you, Jack, more than you'll ever know." I say. I go to speak, but he stops me.

"Don't say bye, that means it's the end and it's not. See you later, Quinny."

"See you later, Jack." I open my car door, before I get in, he speaks.

"Hey," I look up at him. "Don't be a stranger, Brookie."

"I won't." I get it my car and shut the door. He waves to me as I pull out the parking lot.

As I get on the highway, and slowly make my way toward the Holland Tunnel, my family starts to feel farther and farther away.

See you later, Jersey.


i have a lot to unpack rn hold on


nothing new with phoebe is really painful to me rn, i'm jealous of the people who got taylor, phoebe, and gracie all in one night

the 76ers lost 😭😭

the devils lost 😭😭


also, happy birthday mitch marner 💙💙

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