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GAME 1 & 2
Jack's Point of View
📍Newark, New Jersey
🕰️ 4/18/23

The dreaded day has arrived. I haven't gotten a response from Quinn since I sent that drunken message. Screw everything that's happened, I just really miss her and I want to talk about this.

I know she would never cheat on me, and I was stupid to think that she would. I said some things I'm not particularly proud of.

I just got to the arena and I haven't seen Quinn yet. It'll be weird for all of us, especially me, to see her in a Rangers jersey.

I'm in auto pilot the entire time leading up to warm ups. I spot Quinn on the other side of the ice. I wave to her, but she doesn't wave back. Maybe she didn't see me.

I continue warm-ups as normal, just slightly distracted. Nico waves at her, but she waves back at him. What the hell?

When I know she's looking at me, I wave at her. She had to have seen that. I know she did. She doesn't have even the slightest reaction and instead Schneider skates over to her. He says something that makes her laugh.

The fucking gall.

Although Luke got the game winning goal last game, he isn't playing in the playoffs. I know he can handle it, but it's a lot too soon.

5 minutes into the first, Tarasenko scores a goal. Quinn has had 5 shots on goal, none of them making it in. V is a good goalie, but there's no doubt that Quinn will walk out of here without a goal, win or lose.

At first intermission, the score is 0-2, I keep my distance in the locker room. All I can think about is Quinn.

Like I had suspected, Quinn does end up scoring. She scores halfway into the third, making it 0-4. I almost when to celebrate with her, but I can't. She isn't on the Devils anymore.

She did give V a fist bump after the goal though, it seems like she's fine with everyone else on the team except for me.

I finally get the team on board with a penalty goal, which I don't even bother celebrating. The score is 4-1, and I can sense we are going empty net soon.

We do, and the Rags score a goal in that time frame. V goes back in to finish off the game. It isn't great to start the series 0-1, but that's not what I'm worried about.

Why was Quinn acting so weird today?


Game 2. Between game 1 and now, which has only been a day, I still haven't heard from Quinn despite multiple texts and calls. I feel like something isn't right.

Haula scores a power play goal halfway through the first, but that's it for the Devils. We get hammered with the same score for the second time in a row. 5-1, and have a found ourselves in a 0-2 hole in the series.

The next game is at MSG, and hopefully we win that and it's a series again. I really don't want to get swept.

I got wind that coach plans on changing goalies from V to Schmido. I know he's young and doesn't have much experience, but I have faith in Akira and we'll turn the series around with him.

Quinn, my brother, came into town for the next two games of the series. I don't see him much since he plays in Canada, but somehow I've seen him more than my girlfriend lately.

"We need to talk." Luke says. Him and Quinn are standing outside of the locker room.

"Uh... okay?" I say.

"So, there's a lot to unpack here. Just wait until we are done to comment on anything, got it?" My older brother asks.

"Yeah, sure." I'm confused as to what could he so important they have to bombard me once I leave the locker room.

"Quinn is in a tough situation right now. Braden is forcing her to post those pictures and spend all her time with him and ignore you. The first picture isn't what it looks like, she didn't even know he was taking it. What happened was, she was under the impression she was going to dinner after the game with the whole team but only Braden showed. The thing about that was, that was his plan. He wanted to spend alone time with her. He's manipulating her. If she doesn't do exactly what he asks, he'll spill her only secret. She hasn't told us what said secret is though. Anyway, she can't tell anyone about it or he'll spill it." Luke says.

"So how do you know about it?" I ask.

"Well... the thing is.. everyone in the NHL, AHL, and college hockey players all know about this situation except for you. You can thank Dawson for that." Quinn says.

"You can't tell her that you know, and you can't tell anyone else that you know. But trust me, anyone you are around knows about this." Luke says.

"Holy shit." Quinn says looking at his phone. Luke and I share a look before my older brother shows us what's on his phone.

Quinn (not me)

*one screenshot attached*

From: Gary Bettman & The NHL
To: Quinn Brooks

It seems as though you have a good support system around you, Ms. Brooks. I am formally allowing you to rejoin the New Jersey Devils effective immediately.

Coach Gallant, Coach Ruff, the NHL player protection program, and many, many other NHL players have reached out to explain how these allegations I have disciplined you over are nonsense.

I would like to formally apologize for the position I have put you in, Ms. Brooks. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me.

I have gotten your apartment back, and it is moving ready whenever you are. Have a good night.

- Gary Bettman



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