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As the cup was being brought out, the New Jersey Devils felt nothing but joy. After beating the Rangers in the first round, nothing could stop them.

"Holy fuck." Quinn states. Her first year in the NHL was the best a rookie has ever had, and now she has the Stanley Cup to show for it.

"We did it, Quinny." Luke, who started playing in the second round of the playoffs, states from beside her.

Nico holds the cup up in the air, and gives it a kiss. It gets passed around, Quinn gives it a kiss too.

She goes to hand it off to Jack, but she doesn't see him until her eyes scan downward. He's on one knee.

Someone, she didn't really look who, took the cup from her. "Oh my god." Is all she manages to say.

"I knew the minute we got into the playoffs that if we won the cup, I was going to propose to you. Never for a second did I doubt we wouldn't win it. I must admit, I got a little scared when you went to the Rangers, but I knew we were going to win the whole fucking thing." He says.

"Yeah, the Stanley Cup is a pretty cool prize, but you, Quinn Brooks, are what has made this season worth while."

"Pop the fucking question already." Luke says from somewhere behind Quinn.

"Quinn Brooks, will you make me somehow more happy than I already am with you, and marry me?" He asks.

"Yes, yes of course." He slides the gorgeous ring on her finger and gets up from his knee. To win the Stanley Cup in overtime and here in New Jersey could only be a dream come true.

He wraps his arms around her and they share a passionate kiss. "I love you, so much." She says.

"Your name is going to be Quinn Hughes." He states.

"Oh shit, I didn't think about that." She says.

"I'm going to have two siblings named Quinn?"


:) that's the end of this wattpad lol

out of the woods • jack hughesWhere stories live. Discover now