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Quinn's Point of View
📍New York City, New York
🕰️ 4/22/23

I've been freaking out nonstop about how I can go back to Jersey. I've moved all of my stuff back there yesterday and will be staying in a hotel for these next two games.

Everyone I've seen since it has been announced has been happy for me... except Braden. But it's fine because once I get back to Jersey, I won't have to worry about him anymore.

"Congratulations on going back to Jersey." Coach states. I might have to play this one last game on the Rangers today, though.

"Thank you, it really couldn't have happened without you." I state.

"Me? I helped a little bit, it was actually all Luke Hughes's doing." He states.

You're telling me 19 year old little Lukey pookie did this?

"Really? I'm going to have to thank him then." I say. Once I get into the locker room, Braden is ignoring me, which I could hardly care about because I hate him anyway.

I get into my gear, but I do put on a Rangers jersey. One more game won't hurt. I think it's too soon for the Devils to have stuff ready for me.

"Hey, you aren't supposed to be back here." I spot Luke walking around.

"I just wanted to say good luck, I'm not trying to figure out your game plan or anything." He states.

"That makes is sound like you are trying to figure out the game plan." I say. "But I also don't even know the game plan."

"Hey... thanks for what you did, Luke. I really don't know how I can thank you enough." I say.

"It's no big deal, I just wanted you to be back where you belong." He says.

"Do you... could you give Jack a hug for me?" I ask.

"I'll try." He says. That's the one last thing that needs to be fixed before this is all over, but just... how do I fix it?

I go back into the locker room. "Thank you for having me for this.. short period of time, it was really fun, actually."

"From what I've seen, you're a great person, on and off the ice." Kane says. I know I still have one game left to play on this team, but I'm so ready to get out of here.

I share high fives, handshakes, and even hugs with some of the guys, Braden stays back in the corner.

The thing about locker rooms is that no matter what, they are always loud, so that's probably why I don't hear him enter the locker room.


"Someone go get her!" Quinn should've been in here by now, she can legally play on the Devils again. I have her jersey in my hand, and am looking for the Rags locker room.

"Yo, get out of here." Igor says. I can't see Quinn, there's a crowd of players around a locker, but I'm not sure who's.

"I come in piece." I put my hands up in defense, jersey in hand. I'm totally looking stupid right now.

"I- I'm looking for someone." I probably sound like an idiot to them. "I, I know I shouldn't be in here but I'm looking for someone."

"Who are you looking for?" He asks. I'm looking for Quinn you dumb fuck. Who else would I be looking for?

"I'm looking for-"

"Me." She smiles at me. She looks more beautiful than ever despite that Rangers jersey she's wearing.

"Come on, then! Let's move people!" Kane says clapping. Quinn quickly takes off the Rangers jersey. She gets handed her duffel bag.

I hand her the rightful jersey and she puts it on. Much better. We start quickly waddling back to the Devils locker room.

"Wait, Jack. We need to talk." She stops. She doesn't know I know about the whole Schneider thing.

"I already know." I state. Her faces changes from a smile to a state of confusion.

"But... how?"

"Luke." I say. Luke was also the person who basically got Quinn back on the team so soon.

"I'm going to kiss him the next time I see him." She says.

"Hey, wrong brother." I say. A staff member walked up to us.

"They want you to do a solo lap really quick." She says. I look at her, she looks shocked.

"O-okay." She says. I give her a kiss quickly before she walks ahead of me. I don't know here she ends up going, but I'm being told to go in a different direction.

"Hey." Nico says. I follow him, he seems like he knows where he's going. I follow him to the ice, I guess I missed Quinn's solo lap.

Instead of skating to the bench, we stand around the edge of the rink against the glass. Everyone is, including all the Rangers players.

"Brookie, brookie, brookie, brookie." The crowd chants. This feels like something that should be in a movie.

She skates out onto the ice, and stops right in the middle. Everyone put their flashlights up, it looks unbelievable.

She puts her hand on her chest. "Thank you." She mouths to no one in particular. Her smile is the brightest I've ever seen it. She starts in front of me, so she'll finish with me.

She skates around the rink, holding her fist out basically saying thank you to everyone. When she gets to me, she hugs me.

"Thank you." She says. Her gorgeous green eyes are twinkling with all of the lights.

"You're going to make me fucking cry." I say. Seeing the entire building come together for her, Rangers fans, Devils fans, everyone. It's a really special moment and an even greater feeling.

"Well don't because we have a game to play." She says. The lights come on and the players skate to the respective benches.

Despite the period being scoreless, Quinn is having the best time of her life. She's being her usual perfect self. Jamming out to the songs in between playing time, it's keeping the whole bench hyped up.

A couple minutes into the second, the Rangers score. I thought that would change Quinn's mood, but it doesn't.

"We'll get them back guys, don't worry." She says. That same smile hasn't left her face all night.

Halfway through, we find ourselves with a power play opportunity. "Fuck yeah!" I get a goal, Nico and Quinn get assists.

The game stays 1-1 until over time. I have a good feeling about OT today for some reason, usually I am always nervous.

We, along with the Rangers, get a few scoring opportunities, but these goalies are too fucking good.

We get a face off to the left of Shesterkin, I'm in the middle of the face off. Quinn is to my left, I'll shoot the puck to her and hopefully we can make a goal out of it.

I win the face off, and shoot it left. Before I even have much time to move, Quinn is already shooting it toward the net. Goal.

Quinn's first game back, and she gets the over time, game winning, goal. Unbelievable, this woman, I tell you.

The entire Devils bench gets off the bench to celebrate our first series win, all thanks to her. They don't get there before I do, though.

"I love you so fucking much." I've never had a smile so big on my face, not even when Luke scored his first goal.


i love luke hughes sm

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