The Clues We Hide

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The blue cyan pegasus awoke from her deep sleep, to see that she was lying beside one of her dearest friends. The orange coated earth pony was still sleeping, blissfully. The cyan pegasus got up to see that she where she was, only to notice she was sleeping in a barn.

The pegasus noted to herself of what she was doing in the barn, laying beside her friend... Applejack. She remembered of the night before hand only to know how deep her feelings were for her friend, she wanted Applejack to stay as a friend. She got up off of her sleeping position and walked over to a small table in the barn, trying not to wake Applejack.

She wrote a note that said, "To Applejack, I had to leave you... I need time to think, it's nothing about you... it's me, please understand. Don't look for me."

~~~ Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow frowned and shuddered as she read the note back. She knew what she was doing, it felt wrong, but Rainbow needed time... or help. She placed the note carefully beside Applejack, trying not to disturb her sleep. Remembering just before she flew off to the morning sky, she took off the Stetson style hat and put it back on Applejack, who was still in a beautiful, deep slumber.

Rainbow studied her while she slept for several seconds. Applejack was elegant and she had a really nice shine to her because of the small light coming from through the window above. Rainbow knew that leaving Applejack alone was wrong, but she forced herself to leave, knowing Applejack was going to wake up soon.

Rainbow took off, looking behind her... knowing where she would go.


-1 week earlier-

It was an amazing morning, almost stunning. Rainbow Dash woke up from a rough night of flying. Slowly edging out of bed while stretching, Rainbow remembered that she decided she would visit Twilight yesterday, to see if there were any more books to catch up on. As Rainbow got out of bed, out of the corner of her eye, she saw that she slept a lot longer than she intended to.

She gasped "I promised Twilight I would visit her early!" she then grew a smile and waved her hoof "She won't mind me being late, she knows me... although I was wanting to get some training done this morning" She put her hoof on her chin and walked towards the door.

Rainbow flew calmly to admire the beautiful day, she never usually caught eye on the sky. She flew down as she reached the apple orchards, nabbing a couple of apples as she flew overhead.

Rainbow stopped as she heard a familiar voice call out her name.

"Rainbow! I thought I told ya to ask before you took my apples!"

"Or what?" Rainbow felt confident in herself.

Just as Rainbow talked, a long rope was hauled over her chest, she dropped all the Apples she picked up and she was taken out of flight and pulled towards the orange coated earth pony.

Applejack had a concerning look, as if she was expecting Rainbow to get caught in her lasso. "Or that" she said with a small smirk on her face.

Rainbow let of a long hesitated sigh as she was getting the lasso taken off of her. "Fine... can I have some apples?"

Applejack never spoke for a while. Rainbow analysed her for a while... carefully. She had an elegant, outstanding orange coat, with a sleek blonde mane. Rainbow looked into her eyes; they were shining with a great colour of emerald green...

"Uh... Rainbow? You alright?" Applejack said, looking confused while her friend was in some sort of trance.

"What? Oh yeah... I'm fine, so..." she continued to stare at Applejack.

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