Wanted To Be With Her Lover

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"So, Doc... you're saying I risked my life for Ponyville?" Rainbow was shocked at what she was hearing; she was partly stunned at her act of bravery and sacrifice.

"Yes that's right, you risked your own life for the citizens of Ponyville and if it was not for that brave earth pony... you would be dead by now" The Doctor looked over at Rainbow, who had a happy look on her face. "Now if you will let me continue..."


Everypony that was in Sugar Cube Corner rushed out after Rainbow took off, they all stared at the hurricane that was getting covered by a Rainbow streak.

Rainbow was trying to redirect the hurricane in the direction it came in, she was struggling to get to turn its course. The hurricanes strong wind was not giving up, it was painful on Rainbow's wings, and they were hurting more than ever.

The hurricane was beginning to head in a different direction; it was shifting to the right, slowly making its way towards the direction of Canterlot. Rainbow would not let this hurricane head for any major part of Equestria; she kept trying to get the hurricane to turn on the Dragon, which was only minutes from reaching Ponyville's boundaries.

"There... is... a.... Dragon!" Spike rushed up to Twilight in fear, breathless, he leaned on Twilight's hoof.

"Spike, we know, Rainbow is trying to get that hurricane to change direction... hopefully taking the Dragon with it" Spike suddenly stood in shock looking at the hurricane, then to Twilight.

"You can't be serious Twilight! Rainbow could die!" Twilight closed her eyes and then looked over at Spike.

"Rainbow knows, if she doesn't do it, all of Ponyville would get crushed!" Twilight opened her eyes, only to have a small tear drip down onto the ground.

The hurricane sure enough, changed direction. It was heading somewhere that nopony was, back the way it came. Rainbow left the hurricane's grasp and floated midair. "Yes! I did it! Ponyville is saved!" Just then a hand grabbed onto Rainbow and pulled her towards who ever was holding her. Rainbow was staring into the Dragon's eyes, a chill of fear jumped down her neck.

The Dragon said nothing and smiled at Rainbow, who was still trembling in fear. The dragon lifted up his hand and quickly slung its arm towards the roof of Sugar Cube Corner. The dragon let go, making Rainbow fly uncontrollably, towards Sugar Cube Corner.

Rainbow let off a scream as she hit the roof of the building. She tried to fly to soften her fall, only to notice that her wing was broken. Instead she fell towards the ground. As she hit the ground she was knocked unconscious and was bleeding badly. Everypony gasped as Rainbow lay on the ground, unconscious. They all galloped away as the Dragon stepped closer towards the town.

Everypony galloped away, except one. Applejack tightly grasped onto Rainbow's torn mane and hauled Rainbow harder than she had pulled anything in her life. She was fiercely pulling Rainbow. Her hat came off. She ignored it and continued to pull Rainbow's unconscious body away from Ponyville's bounds.

The dragon stepped over most of Ponyville and kicked Sugar Cube Corner, tearing it almost in half. Applejack watched as her friend was slowly dyeing, she looked over at Sugar Cube Corner, which was almost entirely destroyed by the mess that the dragon made. Suddenly there was an outburst explosion from Sugar Cube Corner causing some of the building to go flying all across Ponyville, one part of the building lunged for Applejack. Suddenly, she was stuck under some of the framing of the building... she was badly hurt, but she never gave up...


"You're very lucky to be alive Rainbow Dash... and so is your friend, she was badly hurt and she needed help. But she just walked away, leaving you here" It took a moment to sink into Rainbow's mind... Applejack risked her own life, to save another. Rainbow hoped she was okay. She got out of bed and walked up to the doctor.

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