The Two Mares Of Ponyville

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Applejack woke up in the warmth of her bed, her mane was a mess, but she just went back to relax. She could not stop thinking about Rainbow Dash; she was in love with her.

Applejack decided she would go over to the library to see if Twilight was there, or by luck, Rainbow was with her. She got out of bed and walked downstairs to notice Applebloom waiting for her.

"Applebloom, what are you doing?" Applebloom just smiled and walked behind a corner and pulled out a Stetson Hat. Applejack grabbed the hat and put it on her. She looked over to Applebloom, who still had a massive smile on her face.

"Uh... thanks, where did you find it?" Applebloom just stood there for a second before answering.

"Oh big sister, I never found it" Applejack looked at Applebloom with a weird look on her face, suddenly from behind the corner that Applebloom pulled the hat from, Rainbow Dash walked up behind Applebloom.

"Rainbow found it, she came back to give it to you. Oh and... big sister, I know what you're doing" Applebloom winked and trotted away, leaving Applejack blushing at Rainbow Dash.

"Applejack, I'm so sorry that I walked out on you yesterday, I was just... confused. But I discovered that I can't hide my true emotions... I love you." Rainbow grew a big smile on her face and Applejack smiled back.

Rainbow then kissed Applejack, it was warm and sensual. Applejack opened her eyes and looked at Rainbow, the light was shining on her... she was beautiful. It brought a tear to Applejacks eye.

Neither of them noticed that Big Macintosh and Applebloom walked by and saw them kissing. Rainbow and Applejack looked over at them, while still kissing. They both pulled back and they both had a big red blush on their face.

"Uh... Howdy?" Applejack broke the silence and walked over to the door. She motioned for Rainbow to come with her, Rainbow noticed and walked out the door with her.


They both walked down the stone path that lead to the middle of Ponyville, Applejack spotted Twilights library and walked over to it, with Rainbow close by her side.

Applejack creaked open the door and saw Twilight hugging Spike. "I hope you come back soon Spike... I'm so proud of you" She was slightly crying, the two mares only wondered what was going on.

"Don't worry Twilight, I'll be back before you know it." Spike then walked past the two mares and out the door and shut the door behind him, leaving Applejack and Rainbow looking over at Twilight. They both walked over to her to ask where Spike was going.

"So I see you two worked things out, so... what did you two go for?" Twilight was smiling at Applejack.

"Well, ya see Twilight... me and Rai-" Applejack got cut off by Rainbow's sudden kiss, they both enjoyed it, it left Twilight with her mouth open.

"Well that was... unexpected, what made you two get together?" Rainbow smiled at Applejack as they pulled out from the kiss.

"Well Twilight... I love Applejack. I couldn't find that out because I was too blinded by questions, but I do, I do love her." Applejack looked over at Rainbow with a really soft smile and a blush on her face.

Twilight just put her two front hooves round both their necks and pulled them in for a hug. "I'm happy for you two" Twilight was happier than she normally was.

"So Twilight... what was that thing with Spike?" Twilight forgot already that Spike left only minutes ago.

"Oh well, Celestia noticed that Spike is trying to make some bits, so she asked Spike if she could hire him for some jobs. He won't be back for another month or so... he is growing up so fast, it almost seems like just yesterday that I hatched him..." Twilight grew a tear in her eye, she not only respected Spike, she thought of him as a son.

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