Interested In A House?

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Twilight galloped across Ponyville to find any sign of where Spike would have lead to. She stopped and thought to herself... I should ask the Cakes at Sugar Cube Corner.

Not moments later she ran through the door of Sugar Cube Corner, which was all but empty beside a Pink coated earth pony beside a couple filly's "Were sorry Pinkie, we never meant to ruin the cake" Claimed an orange filly with a purple mane.

"Scootaloo, Pinkie... have you seen Spike? I'm looking for him, he wondered off after we had an argument" Pinkie looked round at Twilight and smiled, she pointed towards Sweet Apple Acers.

"Spike said he was going over to visit Applejack... Twilight you want anything like a... Cupcake or muffin?!" Pinkie was always enthusiastic and always acted positively, Twilight liked that but she had better things to do than sit and eat a cupcake with one of her friends.

"No Pinkie, but thanks to the offer, I just need to try and find Spike. I'm getting really worried about him" Twilight put a saddened look on her face as Pinkie nodded in return.

"Okie Dokie Lokie!" Pinkie said with a bit too much happiness in it. Twilight walked off as she heard Scootaloo saying something to Pinkie, Twilight couldn't make it out and she didn't bother to try.

Galloping towards Sweet Apple Acers, Twilight caught eye on Applejack who was standing outside her barn, staring at Rainbow Dash's cloud home. "Applejack?"

"Huh... what in tarnation? Oh hey Twi... how ya doing?" Applejack was in some sort of concentration, or dream as she was staring at Rainbow's cloud home.

Twilight ran up to Applejack, gasping for air. "Spike... has gone... missing" Catching her breath, she continued her sentence. "I need help to try and find him"

"You don't need to try and find me Twilight!" came a voice from inside the barn. Twilight looked over at Applejack who seemed just as confused as she was.

"Spike? Can you come outta' there" Applejack said in a serious tone... the both heard Spike mumble as he opened the barn door. With a sleepy look on his face, Spike walked over to the two and stood there... expecting Twilight to give him a lecture about things he couldn't even understand.

"Spike! You know better than to run off without my permission! Why did you leave anyway" Twilight turned from worried to angry in a sudden gaze. Spike was wobbling and was losing balance... he was exhausted, Twilight could see it.

"Come here Spike, I'll get you into bed" Twilight said as she pulled Spike onto her back with her teeth, Twilight then caught eye on Applejack who was focusing on Rainbow's cloud home again.

"Applejack, why are you so... interested in Rainbow's house all of a sudden?" Applejack looked round fast at Twilight only with a saddened look on her face.

"Uhh... it is um... nothing, I just really..." She paused to look at it again, then she turned back to Twilight again with an unconvincing smile on her face "I really like her house"

Twilight looked over at the house before walked away from Applejack, nodding and making gestures to explain she had to get going. Applejack just waved good bye and sat on the grass, staring at the house again.

Twilight opened the library door and closed it quietly. She trotted up the stairs and she put Spike into his bed, expecting to get answers the next day. Twilight moved slowly into her bed, falling asleep under the moon's vivid, luscious light... Luna must have been happy today, she thought as she fell silently asleep.

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