Before you Continue

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Okay so Jaiden is Aroace, so I will respect her and have her as plotonic and not romantic. I want to try my best to respect how the creators feel. I dont wish to make them uncomfortable. If I do make a mistake on someone's sexuality like they are Ace/Aro/Aroace or even uncomfortable in being in FanFics please correct me. I will fix it and change it as soon as possible. After all I respect them and their wishes.

Okay glad we got that out the way, now the less serious but still important information. 

This Book y/n will be Gender Neutral! I know its like a sausage party in the QSMP and I was tempted to make it female. But I think everyone should be able to read without any restrictions on a certan gender!

The reason why I wanted to make this book cuz, there isn't many up yet since its very new still! (At the time writing this lmao.) So I wanted to try writing a Fanfic when the fandom is still new! And contribute in any way I can!

I will TRY my best in making it as canon as possible to the lore. I will be getting information from clips since.. there are way too many streams for me to keep up, especially since i'm currently grounded.

I will add Both English and Spanish to this! Since Quackity wishes to combine two communities together! Despite the language barrier. And im happy as a Bilingual person! But dont worry! I will add a translation at the end of the paragraph in english. For you all english speakers only. I might make a spanish version of this book, but I'm not very good at writing/spelling in spanish. (Same with English lmao-)

I SUCK at spelling and Grammar! So please forgive any misspellings and such in this book! Since im writing this for fun! So I will apologize ahead of time. 

Updates may be slow since I'm writing this on mobile! I'm too broke to get a laptop. So I will also apologize ahead of time for this aswell. 

Lastly, if anyone has feedback I will gladly take it since I wish to improve as a writer. But other than that please enjoy it!

Also I swear of anyone in the QSMP reads this ON STREAM I will die from embarrassment, and cry myself to sleep for like the next few weeks then take a HIATUS for a while- (hopefully that will never happen-)

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