La Primera Pesadilla

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Title Translation: The First Nightmare

Keys: Y/u/n = Your User Name

N/n = Nickname 

E/n = Egg Name :D

Y/n's Pov:

I was walking and exploring with my little egg around the server. Since we are still very new to the world. And wished to explore more while also getting some bonding time. While exploring, we saw a big maze, I wanted to ignore it and walk passed it.. But my egg quickly ran off inside the maze. I quickly chased after them trying to get them to come back. But I lost them in the maze, I quickly started to run around. Panicking that I lost my egg. It hasn't even been a full day and I have already lost my egg!

As I ran inside the maze desperately searching for my egg. The maze wasn't fruity as my find started to seem fruitless. Eventually, I made it somewhere in the middle of the maze. To see that rabbit, leading my egg with a birthday cake. The rabbit saw me and quickly led E/n away quickly. I tried to run after them, but as soon as I blinked. I saw egg yokes and egg whites on the floor, and some eggshells. My blood went cold as I saw the egg remains..

What made my stomach drop, was some teal petals around the egg remains. I then saw a small trail of petals leading around the corner.. to see a huge pile of remains of the eggs in front of the golden rabbit. It turned to me. "Dont worry they aren't actually dead! They are just deeper in the forest having a birthday party! And they are waiting for you!" It started dragging you inside the maze, till you saw a cyan flower drop out of its pocket? I soon realised it killed E/n!

Its face stopped and looked at me with its cold purple eyes.. "oh.. how clumby of me!" It giggled before throwing me to the floor. As I was now covered in egg remains. It threw the flower at my face as it stomped on my neck. As I struggled and coughed, trying to get its foot off of my neck. As I lifted the foot slightly I felt my chest getting stabbed. I cried in pain as I was coughing up blood as I felt myself getting gut alive like a fish.

I woke up in a cold sweat. I quickly ran up stairs to my egg to see if they were alright. To see that my egg wasn't in bed, I felt myself fall backwards. Then I turned to see the god that put me here in this world. "I forgot to tell you, that some of your nightmares may become a reality. Just to add a little extra spice to losing your sanity." He laughed as he saw me falling on the floor crying my eyes out. Sobbing my eyes out, as I felt myself coughing up, feeling like I was going to throw up. I let out a scream as I felt my body shake as I was sobbing my eyes out. "Ugh that's such an ugly sound! I'm leaving, you morals are sometimes soo dramatic." The god soon left me alone in the egg's bedroom. But suddenly the window broke next to me-

Bad's POV:

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