Encontrar Propiedad

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Title Translation: Finding Property 

Key: Y/u/n = Your User Name

E/n = Egg name! :D

Quackity's POV:

"Fucking Y/u/n, what kind of fucking explanation is 'I took the wrong train!' As an excuse to being here???" I muttered angrily while going down the path way back to his house. With Tilín following close behind me. Where the fuck is Wilbur??? He should be here helping me support our daughter and family! And he would have agreed to what I would have said! Suddenly, I looked down as I felt a tap on my leg. To see it was Tilín, I sighed, annoyed. "What do you want, Tilín? Can't see see Daddy is a bit mad at the moment?" I asked him I felt my blood boil as I tried not to yell at him.

Tilín then showed me a sign saying "So Y/u/n doesn't have an egg..? Can they join our family?" I glared at the sign in disgust. Me? With Y/u/n?? How can my son think of such a repulsive thing like that?! "Tilín no! Because Wilbur is my partner! I dont know where the fuck he is at but I'm sure he will come soon! And be a living father to ya! And we can finally be a happy family!" I reassured him as we went inside.

"Oh.. sorry dad.. I just thought since they dont have an egg.. they could help you till Willbur comes back.." Tilín wrote with a sad posture. I sighed and got to my knees, looking at Tilín. "Look.. Tilín your father doesn't need help from some stranger we met for like 2 hours! Wait.. don't fucking tell me you have already gotten attached with them! Tilín looked away in shame. "Tilín! You shouldnt get attached that easily with someone that could have been dangerous!" I tried to explain why he shouldn't get attached to them soo easily.

"I know dad it's just.. I see everyone else with another parent helping them.." Tilín explained. "Look Tilín, not everyone needs another partner! Also, we aren't the only ones with just one parent! Bad is a single parent aswell!" I explained, trying to make my son feel better. "Yea but Dapper looks happy and same with Bad.." I looked at the words that Tilín just wrote down.. "Tilín.. are you saying that.. We aren't happy..???" I looked down at him in shocked. We are happy! Can't my own daughter see it??

"No..." Tilin then went to his room and closed the door on my face. I stood there thinking what to do.. what is he talking about? We ARE happy! A happy family with no problems!! How could she think such a thing?! Wait.. it must be that damn Y/u/n's fault! They were the one that plagued my son's mind with such an awful mind set! I knew I shouldn't have let him behind with them! I punched the wall in anger. I swear I'll make you pay! Your days are over Y/u/n!

Y/n's Pov: 

I sneezed harshly a few times, damn am I getting sick already from the new environment?? My little egg gave me a tissue. Wait.. where did they get the tissue..? I thanked them before continuing trying to find a nice place to get started on building our house.. since I decided to take care of my new child. They don't have a name still.. I don't even know their gender.. just because they have a flower on their head. Doesn't automatically make them a female after all.

Plus the flower looks very nice on them. It looks like a samurai hat, or a straw summer hat. It looked well taken care of. Suddenly, my little egg stopped while jumping up and down. "What is it..?" I looked down at them. To see them pointing at a big field of flat ground, with lots of vegetation and a small beach close to a small river. "Oh is this where you want to build our house..?" The egg jumped up and down happily. "Alright yea! It's a very nice spot! Great pick umm.. sorry but do you have a name by any chance..?" I asked the small egg.

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