El Tren Equivocado

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Title Translation: The Wrong Train

Key: L/n = Last Name

POV of Reader

College is boring to say the least. The classes are mind-numbingly boring. The only good class that is enjoyable that I have is Volleyball. But I don't have that today, but I did have Spanish classes. The teacher makes it enjoyable since he teacher us more about the culture with fun videos showing us the towns, history, foods and importantly, music. And each week he would bring us Mexican snacks, foods and drinks every Friday. But today was my last day with him.. since he is retiring this year. Which saddens me since he was one of the best teachers I ever had. But all good things have to come to an end eventually..

Right now, I'm in parenting class, teaching us how to raise kids the best we can. Along with understanding how the child's mind works and when to teach it certain skills at what age. And we just took our final two days ago by handling an actual child from an adoption center. We had to take care of it for two weeks since the adoption center was currently re-building the kitchen, bathroom and the roof. I was forced to take this class by my parents since they want me to marry someone soon. And wanted me to have 3 or more kids with my spouce.

They always control my life, who I can be friends with, what to wear, what classes to take.. the reason they have me was because they want to match me with someone that is just as wealthy as us. Or more wealthy than us, so they been training me to be one hell of a parent. The perfect parent and spouse. When learning about this class, it honestly broke my heart.. Listening to others around me discuss now their parents treated them, played with them and bonded with them all the time.

While I was never really received any affection, just being pushed and pressured through my life. "You got an A-?! You can do better. I am disappointed in you." "You got second place?? You could have easily gotten first place!!" But even if I did get the perfect grades they wouldnt really be much diffrent.. "Oh you gotten first place? Just what we expect from you." "Oh you gotten all A+'s? You are a L/n anyways." They never appreciated me.. even when I try to be their "perfect child" they never really batted an eye to me.

All I wanted was them to appreciate me.. or be happy with me.. just being myself. But they always try to paint me as someone I'm not.. It honestly breaks my heart.. The friends that I was allowed to make were either snobby rich people, famous or smart people with a higher GPU than me. Which I never really talk to them. They always approached me since my family was well known. It makes me sick but I learned to keep my mouth shut. That made people think I'm mute, I only talked during Spanish, Volleyball and with Childreen since that's the only place I can be myself.

My parents wanted me to do golf when they heard I wanted to do a sport, but I just made another account and did my volleyball classes from there. Since my parents have access to all my accounts, they can know what my grades are, my schedule and my dorm number. It felt like I was trapped even though I was able to walk and not stick with my parents. But it was still very suffocating. I just wish to be appreciated and start new.. without my parents controlling what I can eat and not eat.. and having friends that I can make on my own. And then not knowing who I am or my family's name. I just want a fresh, clean start.

As class finished, I picked up my school supplies and started heading towards my dorm room, I showered, and changed. I picked up my three luggage bags and started heading out to the train station. I hated the fact I had to carry 3 bags and not just one. But my parents said that 3 is the minimum that I should carry at all times. Since my parents wanted me to go back home for the month off that I had. To travel to meet my potential spouse.. They want me to get married by 23. And I'm currently 22.. just a year before I'm forced to marry them..

I waited at the stop with a heavy heart, watching as people got on and off. I just waited till my train got here. Since my parents wanted me to avoid "commoners", they decided to rent me a whole train for myself. As time was passing by slowly, eventually the train stopped with no one getting off. So I headed to the train and took a good look at the name of the train.. Q539. As I sat down on the empty train with my ticket, I looked at the ticket only to see it said "Q536" and not the one I was on. I quickly got up just the door closed tightly in front of me.

I felt my stomach sink and my heart stopped as the train started to move. I tried to pull the doors open only for it to not budge. I then tried to body slam the door, only to hurt my shoulder. Then I realized how stupid I am to try to open train doors with my bare hands. When I should go to the train conductor to tell them the situation. I quickly ran to the front of the train.

As I got there, I swung the door open but, to my horror, to see no one was driving the train! I felt the train going faster and faster. I tried to look around the room to see where the emergency button was but with the lights flickering as the room was glowing red. So I started pressing every button I saw. I knew it was an awful idea but I didn't have any other ideas at that moment.

But as I was hitting the first few buttons, I felt my body get flunged backwards. As I felt my back across the train floor. And felt my body hit the wall of the train. As my vision started to blur and the whole train started getting dark. I saw a crimson light flickering on the handle bar in the middle of the train cart I was in. I weakly tried to get up but felt the train shake. You could have sworn you could hear a siren playing in the background.

You gripped the chairs as you started to climb your way to the button. Feeling your head pound more with every step you take. Feeling your head getting lighter and lighter. You could have sworn the siren sounds were getting louder as the button continued to flicker on and off that color crimson. You eventually made it to the button. As you looked at it, you could have sworn you had seen someone else on the train. You slowly turned your head to get a better look at the figure.

He was looking down at you with cold red eyes, wearing a long coat with bandages. He had brown hair with a white streak in his hair. Seeming amused as you suffer against the momentum of the train struggling to get up. But as you pressed the button, the tires made an awful screech. You felt your body flug forward, and felt something heavy hit your back and head as everything faded to black. You could have sworn you heard voices around you as you were knocked out.

"Tommy..? Friend..? Where am I..? You said I would be fine Tommy!! Tommy!! TOMMY!!"

"I'm telling you I don't fucking know who they are! They just appeared inside and stopped the train. Why the fuck would I lie to you about this Dream. Also, who the hell is this cry baby?"

"How fascinating... I don't think I ever seen you in the server.. No matter. I'll just Revive you back to life. I'll let DreamXD deal with them. Let's go back, Wilbur."


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