Solo Otra Pesadilla..

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Title: Just Another Nightmare..

Key: Y/u/n = Your User Name

E/n = Eggs Name! :D

Y/n's POV:

Yea no fuck that shit. If the nightmares are about E/n I ain't sleeping for the rest of the night. That god wont get the sick satisfaction of seeing me sob my eyes out. So instead, I started to learn what I can 'craft' in this world. I discovered that you can make mines, bombs, nukes, dinamite and other such explosions.. why would they show us how to make mass weponds of destruction..?

The book I had about 'how to parent 101' turned into 'how to craft 101' with lots of different combinations with different results. I tried to craft something with the crafting table and as soon as I blinked Boom! It turned into a completely different thing! Is that how everyone make their stuff?? Holy shit there is soo much things to create! As I stayed up learning some of the easy recipes, I soon powered off to take a short nap.

But was soon awakened by some knocking. Before, I was too deep into the nightmare. I glumishy woke up and started to drag my body to open the door. And saw Bad and Dapper! "Good mor- oh my goodness! Y/u/n are you alright?! You look awful!" I looked at the reflection of the window to see how much of a mess I was. My hair was everywhere, my eyes looked tired with eye crust around them, my lips looked dehidrated. In short, I looked like utter shit.

"Im fine bad.. just had a nightmare again.." I showed him the sign. "Oh man.. I hope they stop soon. Because that can't be good for your mental health." He said while patting my shoulder. "I hope so too Bad." I wrote down. But I knew deep down that wouldn't be the case. Since I made a deal with that god so I can have a better life. So far I have freedom of speech, don't have to be forced to get married soon, I can eat anything I want and lastly, but most importantly, meeting amazing and kind-hearted people.. well.. they are mostly kind except Quackity so far. Yea he wont get off my mother fucking dick-

"Anyways, can we come in? I made some more breakfast muffins so we can enjoy them together!" Bad showed me a tray of breakfast muffins. I smiled and let him in along with Dapper. "Make yourself at home, ill go wake up E/n." I wrote on the sign. And I went up stairs to wake up E/n. To see they were already awake. Reading a book that Foolish gave us. It was 'how to think like a builder'. I smiled that they were keeping themselves entertained. "Hey E/n! Bad is here with Dapper to take us with Jaiden and Roier!" I told them with my voice.

E/n quickly put the book back to the backpack they had and ran downstairs to see them. I haven't had much with me since I gave most of them to E/n. So I took the crafting book, the picnic basket that me and E/n made and the few items I crafted randomly through the night with the crafting book. As I went down stairs I saw E/n and Dapper trying out each other's hats while squatting rapidly. But Dapper saw me and quickly put his tophat back while giving E/n their flower back. I quickly washed my face with water then we headed out. I should forget about my night are.. that god could be spitting out bullshit about some of them becoming a reality.

As Bad led the way, I was trying my best to forget the nightmare I had, but the path we were taking.. was eerily similar to the one in my dreams. As I felt with each time my ground stopped on the path. They felt heavier and heavier.. as we approached near the train station and the broken wall. Then we heard someone talking.. "Hello?" Bad answered. We soon heard a hello back. We soon looked back and saw Slime gliding downwards to us with a glider. "HiHiHi! Oh Bad and Dapper its soo good to see you!" His eyes soon landed on me.. but soon drifted to my egg. "Oh I see you brought Y/u/n! And who is this Egg right here?" He asked while looking at my egg closely.

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