¿Se ha Unido un Nuevo Jugador?

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Title Translatsion: A New Player Has Joined?

Key: Y/u/n = Your User Name

Third Person POV:

"FLIPPA! OH GOD FLIPPA PAPA'S GONNA DIE!!" The yells of a wild Slimecicle screamed out through the night. As he fell in a hole, as a Wither Skeleton was attacking him. ."PAPA'S GONNA DIE, PAPA'S GONNA DIE, PAPA'S GONNA LEAVE YOU! YOU'RE GONNA-YOU'RE GONNA BE STUCK WITH HIS BITCH WIFE-" Slimed yelled in panic while attacking and killing a Wither Skeleton. As Flippa was on top of the hill, scared of losing her papa. "Oh My God-Why are these here Flippa?!" Slime asked his child while climbing back on the hill next to her. "This is hell Flippa!" He said while holding Flippa in his arms.

"RUN! RUN! GET OUT OF HERE! RUN! RUN!" Quackity yelled while getting chased by another Wither Skeleton. As he dived into the ice-cold waters to escape the danger. "We have a squader issue man!" Slimecicle yelled back while also escaping into the waters. But he carefully balanced Flippa on his head so as to not get her wet. Quackity wheezed as he ran away with Slime. "Thats not a squader issue man, what the fuck are squaders?" Quackity asked while laughing as they ran up a small mountain. "There squading in your house man! They are taking up residence." Slime Explained while looking back at Jaiden's, Roier's and Bobby's house. While Quackity was crackling from laughter.

"No,No, it's fine! It's fine! It's fine if there's squaders man. It's okay!" While looking across the river to see the Wither Skeleton's glaring at them from the other side. As the sun was slowly rising to illuminate the world around them. Slime then looked down at Quackity's egg called 'D'. "What's up 'D'? Uhh.. I was taking-" He interrupted himself as he and Quackity laughed before continuing. "-JuanaFlippa out here for a-uh.. Vacation and I feel like.. this is, this is has been the most stressful experience of our life's-"


". . . Quackity who the fuck is Y/u/n??" Slime asked as he looked at the words in the air. As they stopped in place half way to Foolish's Snake Tower. Quackity's face froze in fear and panic as he looked at the same words that Slimecicle was reading. " . . Who the fuck invited someone in this server WITHOUT MY CONSENT OR PERMISION?!" He yelled while looking at the new user that had joined. "Wait.. You didnt invite them?!" Slime asked slowly, starting to panic as Quackity's was also panicking.

"Did the server code get leaked or something man?!" Slime yelled as he was shaking Quackity by his blue jacket. "I DONT KNOW MAN!! IM AS FUCKING CLUELESS AS YOU ARE!! STOP FUCKING SHAKING ME!!" Quackity yelled as Slime continued to shake him. "ARE WE GETTING RAIDED BY ELEVEN-YEAR-OLDS?! I DONT WANT TO DEAL WITH ELEVEN-YEAR-OLDS!! THEY FUCKING SCARE ME MAN!!" Slime yelled at his face while dropping him, making Quackity fall onto the ground.

Meanwhile with Y/n POV

I woke up.. with an awful headache.. it felt like my head is about to split into two.. Like a sunny side up egg. I keeped my eyes closed not wanting to open them. So I stayed still hoping thay my headache would subaide a bit.. so I tried to sleep it off. But I got curious.. and I oppened my eyes. Only to get blasted with light. Making me immediately shut my eyes from the light. That made my headache ten times worst. I closed my eyes trying to once again to sleep it off. As I fell asleep, I slowly started to remember what happened.

¿Un nuevo comienzo? Qsmp X ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora