Un Gran Gracaso

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Title Translation: A Big Failure

Key: Y/u/n = Your User Name

Y/n/n = Your NickName

( Buckle your seatbelts motherfuckers, cuz I just came back from a 10 hour plane ride. So sit down, shut up and enjoy my shitty story telling with my caffeine-induced, jet lag-self-hatred-fueled writing extravagance experience- )

Y/n's POV:

And I'm lost.. I'm hiding behind the huge wall. And Slime is currently running around like a maniac. Trying to find more eggs.. I can feel a lot of guilt and regret radiating from him.. did he lose Juanaflippa..? Did she die..? Who killed her..? I felt my heart drop.. Someone is killing Eggs.. Slime might have been the first one to have their egg die.. I think he is trying to find out who killed their egg.. but.. I think his mindset at the moment is 'if I can't have a child, then no one can'. I can't talk to him after he tried to kill my egg.. wait.. Is that my body?!

I got closer and saw my body was completely burnt.. I touched it slightly with my foot. And saw all my things were intact! Completely unscaved! I was amazed but quickly snapped back when I heard footsteps. And quickly hid inside a hole. I saw Slime going back to the crafting table and saw more mines popping out?! I heard him laugh before running out again with more mines.. I decided to quietly follow him. Because what if he finds an egg and tries to kill it? I'm not going to let that happen! Even tho I cant do jack shit at the moment.. I'll be able to distract him so the egg can have a chance at escaping!

Slime's POV:

How the fuck did I get them but not the stupid eggs?! TWO EGGS WERE THERE!! I COULD HAVE GOTTEN TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!!!! Now it's going to be a FUCKING BITCH to kill any eggs now! Everyone is on high alert now!! FUCKING HELL!!! I fumbled the bag SO hard right then.. suddenly I stopped remembering something.. who has one life..? Chayanne! They live right above me!! Yes.. YES!! THIS IS PERFICT!! I CAN GET RID OF THEM RIGHT NOW!! PHILL IS OFLINE!! SO NO ONE CAN SAVE THEM!!! NO ONE WILL BE ABLE TO GET IN THE WAY!!!

I quickly started to fortnight build to the top of the wall as I jumped off the tower. I booked it to the building near the farm. As I peeked inside the windows, I did not spot anything interesting. But as my eyes wondered around the interior, my eyes landed on them! Chayanne!!! Sleeping peacefully in bed.. LIKE THEY DIDNT HAVE A CARE IN THE WORLD!!! THE FUCKING AUDACITY!!!! As I started to laugh, I went to the door.. to see it was locked and secured.. I tried 0000.. then I tried 1234.. shit.. how the fuck am I going to get in?!

I tried to break the windows but.. IT DIDN'T EVEN SCRATCH IT!!! I tried breaking the wood but nothing. The door, nothing. I tried the roof, nothing. THE BASEMENT, NOTHING!!! I was starting to get fustraided... I then remembered.. something Mariana had back un his place! I quickly flew to his place with my glider. Twords the deriction to my SHITTY FUCKING WIFES SAD EXCUSE LOOKING HOUSE!!

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