Chapter 3: Who Did I Let Into My House...

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Seiji started to clean the used dishes after dinner.

In response to the aggressive and brutal behavior of the killer towards him, he had no choice but to take action in self-defense. He didn't want to die just yet.

The blond man quickly finished washing the plates and returned to the living room, where his temporary roommate was.

Hideaki sat on the couch, his hands tied with a kitchen towel. The expression on his face revealed disappointment and dissatisfaction with the failed murder attempt.

"Unfortunately, I don't have another bed, so you'll have to sleep on the couch here in the living room," Seiji said, then went to his room to get a pillow and a blanket.

When he returned, he carefully placed them next to the murderer. "Here you go," he added, seeing that Hideaki's expression didn't indicate that he was okay. Seiji sighed,

"I'll untie you, but don't think it's for long. If you ever attack me again, I'll do it again, so be nice and don't cause trouble."

Hideaki's face transformed from sulky to furious. "I told you to stop ordering me around!" he hissed.

Seiji, annoyed by Hideaki's rough behavior, responded indignantly, "And I told you that you could kill me when I see that you look better. And what did I get? Exactly! An unexpected attack! You know why it failed? Because your hands are so weak from lack of strength that they shook like they were about to break in half when you were over me!" Seiji growled in anger. "And besides, I think I need to teach you how to speak politely. No swearing! You're uncivilized... Additionally, you get angry at everything..."

Hideaki responded with a threatening hiss, baring sharp teeth, expressing his boiling anger.

Seiji watched the escalating irritation of his recently acquainted guest. "See? That's what I'm talking about!" he said before taking a deep breath, trying to calm down. After a moment, he turned to the murderer. "Please, try to relax. I'm going to take a bath in the tub. Today was... exhausting... If you need anything, knock. The bathroom door is just to the left down the hall." He added and, after taking the necessary items, locked himself in the bathroom.

After a while, the sound of water gradually filling the tub could be heard.

Listening to the sound of water, Hideaki began to wonder if he should also wash away the accumulated dirt from his body. He couldn't remember the last time he had a chance to bathe...

Upon sensing his own smell, he grimaced in disgust. He smelled worse than the worst garbage in the dumpster...

"Darn... I need to wash up..." he muttered as he approached the bathroom door. It wasn't easy for him because he felt like he was losing strength again. His gait was heavy, and he hunched over as he walked. When he stood in front of the door, he tried to knock with all his might. "Hey! Hurry up in there! I want to wash up too!"

"Be patience!" Seiji said from behind the wall.

The killer sighed discouragingly. With nothing better to do, he decided to scan the apartment. His eyes fell on the door across from the bathroom. He approached it quietly and opened it, revealing a minimally furnished bedroom.

In one corner stood a small wardrobe for clothes, and in the opposite corner, a single bed accompanied by a bedside table and a night lamp. Along the left wall was a wooden desk with a computer, a pot with a small green fern, and a wooden shelf with various books arranged above the desk. Next to the desk was a black backpack.

Hideaki grinned wickedly and entered the room. He first searched Seiji's wardrobe. Suddenly, he realized that if he took a bath, he wouldn't have anything to change into, and he wouldn't want to put on his old, worn-out clothes on his clean, washed body.

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