Chapter 43: Christmas Shopping

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The holidays were fast approaching. 
The thought of preparations gave Seiji's a slight headache.

'This year I think I'll go into more of the homemade food instead of KFC. It will be a lot of work, but I want to cook some traditional winter Japanese meals with Hideaki. It will be a great opportunity for him to learn how to make such meals. Hmm... Alright... so I got it settled...  Hmm... For that we will have to go to the city center... What's next....? Oh right! Buying presents.' Seiji thought.

He looked more focused on what was going on in his head than on what was going on around him.

Hideaki was gazing at him intensively, pondering,
'What is he thinking about...?'

Suddenly Seiji snapped, and with a rush he turned to his roommate "Hideaki, we're going for shopping!"

"Huh?" Asked disoriented killer.

"We've got quite a lot of things to do on Christmas. It's best so we will buy everything we need now, than being all stressed later."

With that being announced, Seiji and Hideaki strolled through the bustling streets of Tokyo, the crisp winter air tingling with excitement as they made their way to the Christmas market.

Seiji's eyes lit up as they approached the vibrant array of stalls adorned with twinkling lights and festive decorations.
"I'm glad it isn't extremely cold... Otherwise finding the ingredients would be double hard." he admitted, secretly enjoying the festive atmosphere.

"The ingredients?" Asked Hideaki.

"Yeah, well... Let me say something to you. For Christmas, we're not gonna order KFC."

"H-huh!? No fried chicken!?"

"No. This year, I thought about making things more traditionally. That being said, homemade winter Japanese meals. What do you say?"

"There will be no KFC..?" Hideaki asked again with visible disappointment and sadness in his voice.

"Yeah. But, instead you could eat as much as you'd like from other food!" Seiji tried to encourage him in his own original idea.

"Eat as much as I want..?"

"Yep! All the food will load in your belly. The hot pot, tempura, sushi and sashimi, potato salad, and most important... For dessert a big Christmas Cake! What do you say?"

Hideaki's expression shifted from disappointment to intrigue as Seiji unveiled his alternative Christmas dinner plans.. "Mmm... Yes! It will be so delicious! Let's do this! I wanna stuff myself with food!"

"Hehe" Seiji chuckled from his friend's reaction "I knew you'll gonna like it. After all, you're the biggest glutton that I ever know!"

"H-huh!? Tch! Not true!" Hideaki protested, blushing from embarrassment.

"Truee! Sometimes it kinda looks like your belly is without a bottom. The amount of food you can eat is sometimes terrifying... but impressive at the same time."

"Tch!" Hideaki let out another frustrated hiss and attempted to conceal his now even redder face

"So, let's go. We have a lot of ingredients to buy. Christmas is in 1 day!"


As they visited each stand, they were adored with vibrant colors of presented spices, local food, homemade things and Christmas decorations.
That view gave Seiji another idea.

"Hey, what do you say about doing something fun? To buy presents for each other?"

"P-presents?" Hideaki asked curiously

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