malam sekapur sireh

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IT was the last day of school holiday and some students came to school one day early including aida.

jaja and juli spent their days by hanging out with botol and juli swore that jaja and botol are getting closer than before.

juli haven't told them yet the relationship between her and hilmi.

juli and jaja were just doing their work and realized that aida is in her own life.


"aida?" juli called her from her bed.

"aidaaa" jaja went to sit infront of her.

"ha?" aida replied.

"kau okay tak?"

"okay.. termenung je.."

"ceeee ni mesti sebab aizat en?" juli joined and grabbed a nearest chair and sit next to her.

"cerita laa" juli continued.

"entah la.. aku rasa benda yang aku tak pernah sebelum ni.."

"happy?" jaja asked.


"cieeee blushingggg" juli and jaja teased her.

"ha kau tu juli? ape cerita kau dengan hilmi?"


"yela, kau dengan hilmi rapat semacam weh" aida said.

"dia macamni.."



"hm?" juli replied while she took a bite of her cookie.

"kau.. sudi tak?"

"sudi apa?" she looked at hilmi.

"pergi dinner dengan aku?"

"eh hilmi, selama ni kau tak pernah anggap aku as dinner partner kau ke?"

"eh.. bukan macam tu juli sayang, aku tanya kau sebab nak confirmkan je"

then, hilmi suddenly intertwined their fingers, "sudi tak?"

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