Chapter .12

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As I layed there I felt it crawl it's way underneath my sheets.

For a moment, It was obscured under my blanket.

I could see its outline as the room was far too dark, I could only lay there helplessly feeling its presence.

I wanted to see it but I dared not look. As it crawled up towards me the weight of it pressed down on top of me.

A sensation in which I will never forget. When I say that hours passed, I do not exaggerate.

Laying there motionless, in the darkness, I was every bit a scared, frightened young girl.

As suddenly as it had began, it was over.

Although, I could still feel it's weight. it was as if it had fallen asleep laying on top of me.

If it had been during the summer months it would have been light by then.

However, the grasp of winter is long and unrelenting, and I knew it would be hours before sunrise.

A sunrise in which I yearned for.

I was a timid scared child by nature, but I eventually reached my breaking point, I could wait no longer.

Fear can sometimes wear you out, make you threadbare, a shell of nerves leaving only the slightest trace of you behind.

I had to see what had been terrifying me for almost a whole year!

Clutching my mother's silver cross necklace in my hand.

I gained a sense of hope. I knew I was going to see it as it layed there, dormant, passively, doing nothing.

What if it attacked me shouted through my entire mind yet I pressed on.

Grabbing the bed sheet so that I could in one swift motion toss it off.

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