I actually get to do something (part 2)

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I had this chappy down yesterday and meant to upload, but people like to be annoying and get me sidetracked (not that hard but whatever). Anywho I forgot to yesterday so I might as well update today.

Nell: People need to stop taking you away from the computer.

Neko: I know really. Its sad.

Kathy: Neko doesn't own Naruto. And she's bored so if you want to be put in one of these disclaimers just tell Neko who you want in it and well we'll see what happens.

Neko: Hey stop telling people my thoughts!

Kathy: Sorry?

Neko: That's my jobs. Peeps if you want to do that go a head. Anywho enjoy the chappy and comment and tell me how it was and vote and stuffy.


“OK sensei.” I nod. Zabuza disappears in the mist. 'Hey guys, I know you can see better than a human so can I use your eyes?'

“Sorry, honey, it doesn't work like that.” Vial says.

“I'll go out and you can see from my eyes.” Rial says.

'But, Rial won't Kakashi see you?'

“I'll hide myself. Don't worry about it.”


“Great I get to be part of the fight.” He says all happily. I can't find him for a second but then I use the thingy I learned from training and find he's like 10 feet away looking at Zabuza.

“Kakashi.” I whisper to him quietly.


“He's 10 feet to our left.”

“How do you know?”

“I just do. Save the questions for later, sensei.”


“So what's the plan?”

“Can you find a way to hold him down, so I can get him with my justu?”

“OK sensei. Send your dogs with me. I can get them to hold him.”

“Alright, but what-,” I interpret him.

“Crap he moved, he's coming at us now.”

'Rial, swords!” I yell. Rial makes my hands grab my swords. I then block his sword with one and stab him in his right shoulder. Zabuza yells in pain and pulls his sword back to cut me in half.

'Crap, I can't do anything.' Rial says me letting me hear his thoughts.

'What's the supposed to mean, Rial?!!?'

'Bye, kid.'

'What the f*-!!' Kakashi's dogs bit Zabuza's hand making him let go of his sword, and they hold him. The sword clatters loudly on the ground. Holy f*** I thought I was dead there. MY LIFE FLASHED BEFORE MY EYES! Thank God, Jashin, or whatever that I had Kakashi with me.

“Nell are you OK?!?” Kakashi yells.

“Yea, thanks Kakashi.” I say catching my breathe. Damn my heart is beating fast.

“Get out of there now. I'll take care of the rest.” He says. I pull my sword out of Zabuza's shoulder and run away back to Rial.

“Holy s***, I thought you were going to die there.” He says when I get there.

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