All about Haku

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First off sorry for not updating last week I got grounded still am technically. Anyway the one reason I'm on right now is because

Nell: Because what?

Neko: You should know.

Nell: But I don't.

Neko: ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! so yea that's why I'm updating a day early.

Nell: Oh right crap... um I forgot.

Kathy: I didn't. *takes out shiny present*

Neko: Yay. *opens it and its-* clothes... :(

Kathy: I got you something I thought you could use.

Neko: :( but I wanted something fun!!!!!!

Payne: That's why I got you this *hands me a big like I could fit in it*

Neko: Yay Big box of wonders *opens box and find another box* Huh?

Payne: Keep going

Neko: *opens the next one and finds another box* (after about 10 boxes later we're down to a box that can one hold like a ring) *opens box and finds a note* All that for a note!

Payne: Read it.

Neko: 'Hey guess what? And no I'm not your present, you want to know what? Turn me over.' *turns it over* 'Look under the first box.' What the h***? Payne!!!! *looks under first box and fines a gift card to Chucky Cheese* I love you, Panye even when you annoy the crap out of me (Hugs him)

Payne: You're welcome Neko.

Neko: Now Nell you're the only one left.

Nell: Um you can't get Naruto sorry I don't own that to give it to you. (My face falls) BUT I'll write in my book that everyone you want to will hug you.

Neko: Yay! But no time for that the people need to read!!!!!!!!!!!

“Interesting, and how do you know who I am?”

“Let's just say I have my ways.”

“What ways?”

“I have my secrets you have yours.”

“And who do you think I am?”

“Well you're Haku. Weight about 95 pounds, and height is 5 foot 11 inches. You're a guy, which no matter how many times I correct my friend she still calls you a girl, and your blood type is O, and your birthday is January 9th. Also you're from the Yuki clan.”

“How the h*** did you remember all that stuff?” Rial asks me in my head. 'Wikipedia, and last nights boredom.' “When did you have boredom?” 'When I took a 50 minute break from packing.' “Oh. That's when you did that.” 'Duh, why do you think I went on so many breaks.' “Oh I don't know, how about you're lazy?” He yells the lazy part at me.

“Rial, stop fighting with Nell. She needs to pay attention to this conversion.” Vial says to him.

“Oh alright.”

“That kind of weird but most of what you just said you can easily tell.” Haku replies to me unaware of my conversion with Rial and Vial, and not buying a word I said.

“Fine you want something else. You fight mostly with senbon, and you're here to bail out Zabuza if he gets in a tight spot, which by the way he will.” I say praying he won't attack me. I secretly write behind my back that Haku won't attack, and will just talk. I hope my book works without words.

“Well if you trained more you'd know!” Rial yells. 'Shut up.'

“Amazing, so you can see into the future?”Haku says.

“Yes, I know the basics of what's going to happen. I just hope my friends don't mess it up.”

“Do your friends know?”

“Two of the people down there know.” I say pointing in their direction. “Those two to be exact.”

“Interesting, now I know who to attack.”

“Those two shouldn't get in the way but their sensei, well I don't know about her.” I say looking at the battle.

“Good to know.”

“By the way, I won't tell the others of this meeting. They won't know that you're working with Zabuza.”

“Good. That would mess up my plan.”

“And uh you might want to get in there right now.” I say as Zabuza is hit against a tree with kunai stabbing him. Ouch that looks painful.

“But its less annoying than a paper cut.” Rial says. 'Awe man those things suck.'

“Well that was a random topic change.” Vial says. 'You know me, I'm always random.' “No I mean coming from Rial that was a random change.”

“Oh shut up. I have my random moments.”

“Zabuza.” Haku says in a hushed voice. Then he grips his head. “What do I do? What do I do?”

“Haku!” I yell at him. He shuts up, and looks at me. “Hit the points on his neck that will make him look dead. Then pretend you're a tracker ninja.” I say giving him his plan.

“That's a good idea.” He says, quickly going to work. I decide to reappear now. I jump down from my tree, and walk to the clearing, hearing Haku say he was a tracker ninja. I look at Kathy, and she looks ready to jump him. Knowing her, her thoughts are probably 'he's got to be a girl. I must pants him to make sure.' Dear lord I hope she doesn't. I jump down, and walk to them.

“Kathy, don't even think about it.” I yell at her when I get there. Everyone shuts up, and looks at me then Kathy.

“But but but why!?” She wines.

“Don't do it.”

“But I want to.”

“It'll be done just later.” I say but I'm not really meaning it.

“No it won't.” She cries.

“I'll do it myself.” I promise her but I'm not going to keep that promise.

“You will?” She gets all happy.

“Yea sure.” I'm going to regret this later.

“Yea, that's going to be so funny!” She says jumping around.

“Anyway, don't mind us continue your conversion, tracker ninja.” I say to Haku.

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