Chapter 2 The island trials

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A few weeks later sailing the seas they have settled into the life of the sea and have kept searching for treasures. They found a lead on some hidden treasure and are now on an island searching for the hidden treasure of captain red eye.

"Skye" this is some forest it's disorienting.

The island is full of traps bones and more traps and very maze like.

"Luza" agreed love very hazardous we should stay together and watch out for eachother.

Angel nods in agreement

"Skye" well this seems fucked. While looking at a huge trap in front of every one with alot of dead bodies and blood dripping from every inch of the spike trap.

"Luza" we should be extremely careful very fucking careful.

Angel starts to shake from fear because of all that blood.

Skye and Luza go and make sure shes ok and give her hugs to help her out and calm her down saying it'ts ok ur fine we love you.

"Angel" i love you both to and your right I'm tougher than those who died here. she stops shaking and gets tougher.

"Skye" that a girl. she looks at angel with a smile and almost kisses her then shoots the trap to disarm it.

"Skye'" problem solved.

Angel and Luza look at Skye and their faces light up in amazementand they say thats amazing.

"Skye" Well I try. she looks at them with a charismatic look.

"Luza" what. she says while blushing.

Angel goes speachless and turns bright red.

"Skye" whats wrong my loves we are together keep that in mind.

"Luza" true mi amor.

"Angel" i love you too.

They get to the next part of the island trials and it's called the trial of the warrior.

"Skye" from what im reading of the old texts onthe wall apparently it says that the strongest warrior will pass thru freely and the trial will be passed and the journey will continue.

"Luza" i have a sword i can probably pass this trial. she looks at the girls with a confident look.

She attempts to fight the beasts comig at her and they just just disapear in to dust and reappear from nothing. Then she get visably annoyed.

"Luza" what the fuck is going on they just keep disappearing and reappearing like dust.

"Skye" huh must not be a wrrior iin the common sense. She assesses the area around the trialto see if there are magical circuts around the area.

"Skye" Angel i can see there are a lot of magical circuts can you use your magic to stop this.

"Angel"sure. She pulls her magic book out and does a spell and the trial is passed.

"Luza" damn you are amazing Angel.

"Skye" damn right .

"Angel" oh really. she looks away meekly.

"Skye" awe so cute when ur blushing.

"Luza" get a room already, where is my affection. she goes and kisses skye and angel.

"Skye" i love you both so much.

Angel conesses her feelings for Luza too.

Luza says she feels the same about Angel too.

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