Chapter 9 The Personal Rebellion Part 2

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"Skye'" damn, this might get extremely dangerous.

"Adir" yes, we should be careful.

"Skye" agreed on that if these traps were to be set off we could seriously have a death.

"Adir" I know that's why you trained the cats.

"Skye" That is true.

"Ares and Athena" Roars, stopping pointing out a trap looking at a trip wire.

"Lexi" Hun the cats are looking at something.

"Skye" Ok love, shoots the trip wire and a spike trap rises up and deactivates.

"Lexi" damn that is a sexy girl her aim is amazing.

"Skye" Thank you babe, I appreciate that.

"Mina" You are so amazing.

"Myrie" Wow Mina you are so adorable.

"Mina" Stop I'm not a child, this is a damn curse.

"Myrie" I'm sorry I had no idea.

"Mina" It's fine I just wanna break this curse, I get kind of grumpy about this shit.

"Myrie" Well you are an amazing woman so I like you a lot too.

"Mina" Fine I do not mind if you call me adorable.

"Myrie" Really yay, hugs Mina.

"Mina" Um wow, Blushes.

"Amelia" that is so cute, she says in a cute tone.

"Lady Kara" Well she'll fit in well.

"Skye" Myrie is adorable.

They journey across the the island and find Cave with so much blood and gut strewn about it and they look at the map and have to enter.

"Skye" well i guess this is the next area.

"Luza" Let's enter.

They all enter the cave and find more gore everywhere.

"Skye" Well this is ominous.

"Adir" I agree.

"Meg" This is just disgusting, I wanna puke.

"Myrie" Not something I,m not used to seeing, In fact i'm used to it.

"Angel" I feel so terrible about it, I'm sorry Myrie.

"Amelia" This looks so old it is like there was an ancient battle but the gore look fresh.

"Damien" Damn this is worse than the massacre we cause in battle.

"Lady Kara" Fuck this reminds me of all the deaths that happened.

"Lexi" What the fuck happened here.

"Kitty" I think this is fresh.

"Katie" Damn this is worse than when I met my sis.

"Kelsey" What a fucking mess.

"Clarise" well this is a scene I never like.

"Rana" wow this is just disgusting.

"Mina" Damn, but I also feel something about here is more hostile, It gives me the chills.

"Athena and Ares" Roar, getting in a more alert stance.

They all head deeper in the cave and start hearing noises of unknown origins and pInd animal screaming.

"Skye" damn those sounds are haunting, It actually creeps me out, what the fuck is going on.

"Mina" This is wierd seeing this, But I feel I need to get through this.

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