Chapter 8 The Personal Rebellion Part 1

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In the months after the sisters met and the crew set sail once more. There was more infighting in the world government because of how they are dealing with the new threat on the seas, called The sunspire Regis pirates the captain Skye Wellrick whom is gainig a following of her crew fast and are scared that they might take over like the old pirate royalty.

"Admiral Crane" We need to deal with this new pirate of the old order.\

"Admiral Black" Why do we they seem to go around helping and saving lives.

"Admiral Crane" Have you heard of the Wellrick pirate royalty how they burnt down the world and took it over.

"Admiral Black" Yeah but this is not how they got their start, this is how this crew started, and yells in Admiral Crane's face.

"Admiral Crane" All pirates are evil,.

"Admiral Black" Do you realize I was a pirate you dumb ass, I was raised into it, So shut the fuck up you old fashioned fascist, you know that that's using your power to become worse than any pirates I have been with they are all about freedom.

"Admiral Crane" Fine.

"Admiral Black" The board will here of the bounty you put on their head, you dumb ass.

Meanwhile the crew is sailing and just enjoying the company of each-other.

"Skye" Wow did yiu see my bounty raise just by being there to save a town.

"Katie" Yeah that was the work of Admiral Crane my old boss,

"KItty" Damn, and we just tried to help.

"Katie" He just hates anyone who pisses him off and that's all pirates.

"Lexi" I Know why by the way, I heard there was an old friend of his that turned out to be a pirate and killed his friends and rebelled because he was tired of the way Marcus Crane would put him down because that friend didn't see an issue with just sailing the sea for adventure.

"KItty" So he always hated pirates.

"Katie" Yes.

"Skye" Then he is an enemy of mine if he's going to try to ruin my life and kill me a lot, I'll kill him first.

"Lexi" I have a friend that can make sure you are ten steps ahead.

"Skye" Ok, Who is this friend of yours.

"Lexi" Well she is kind of my ex, but she may hate me but she hates Crane more.

"Skye" What is her name.

"Lexi" Kelsey, I can navigate you to her.

"Skye" She must be from where you are from.

"Lexi" Well no shes from a pirate town, called thieves capture.

"Skye" Ok I give you the wheel.

Lexi navigates the crew to Thieves Capture to find this person who can help.

"Lexi" Stay with me ok, I know this town.

The whole town looks at Captain Wellrick also Skye, and get starstruck.

"PIrate Civilian" Are you by any chance Captian Skye Wellrick the daughter of Myu Lavou Wellrick.

"Skye" Yes, Why do you ask.

"Pirate Civilian" Cuz, your mother is a Legend, Oh I forgot to Introduce myself I am Myrie.

"Skye" Hello Myrie, why did you decide to follow me.

"Myrie" Cuz, i wanted to join your crew I am a huge fan of your exploits.

"Skye" I see any beauty can join.

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