5:: im not done.

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"Fuck it felt good to kill him!"
amber freeman's POV:
"Holy shit, Wes? Mindy?" I yelled, their wounds look bad. Rose kneeled and sat close to me, "Thought you hated Wes, Amber." She teased with the voice box. "Fuck you." I started to tear up, blood on my face, my mascara is smudged and my hands bloody as fuck. "Go! I'll catch up!" I yelled to Liv and Tara as they went upstairs. "Your petty girlfriend and your best friend left you, how do you feel about that?" Ethan and Rose pouted as a joke. Anger rose up in my body, out of nowhere I punched them both in the face. "Someone's mad." Rose laughed with blood spluttering out of her mouth. "Fucking whore, you stole Tara from ME. You don't know how much I wanted her. Ever since I heard the news, I wanted to just KILL you. Now, here I have my wish being granted." Ethan pulled on my hair, with his knife to my throat. "Hey, you want Tara, I want Amber, let's not go this way." Rose said, holding the knife away from my throat. "Let me go you fucking WHORES." I cried. Rose smiled at me, holding my cheeks, rubbing the blood on my face, I cried as my tears washed away the blood near my eyes as I leaned on the counter wall, sitting down near Mindy and Wes's bodies, lifeless and unconscious. "Your so precious when you cry." Rose leaned in, smiling. "And goodness your bleeding, what a wonderful feeling." I looked at their bodies, then at Rose. "What the fuck do you want, Rose." I sniffled. "What I want? IT'S SO FUCKING SIMPLE! I want you, I don't want Tara or that fucking man baby, Wes. The son of a bitch humiliated me, now look at him. His lifeless body, humiliated because he's dead." Rose stood up, stomping on Wes's wrists. I cringed as I heard bones snap. Tara was just above me. "Hey, now don't cry, you will be alive, and Tara will be too. Just, different." Ethan smiled. I regained my strength and charged at both of them. "Chad!—" Ethan tried calling for his name but I just punched him and climbed the stairs with my hands staining the carpeted staircase. Rose caught up and stabbed my leg, I yelled in pain and kicked her with my other foot, limping as I got up. I used a desk to block off the staircase and from them getting up. I tried looking for Liv and Tara. My heart stopped, Tara was on the edge of the stairs, and Ethan with his knife up, reaching for Tara. Unfortunately he got her leg and it bled, dripping down her shoes. "I always wanted to stick something in you, Tara!" Ethan yelled with a grin. "Fuck you." My lover cursed. "Fuck you!" Ethan gritted through his teeth. "Tara!" I helped her up, trying to stop the bleeding. "Your phone.. where's your phone." I panicked. Tara looked in her pockets and handed me her phone.

I called 911, but Ethan and Rose caught up. "You called the police on ME?! YOU BITCH!" Rose growled, kicking me to the ground and almost stabbing me but I put my hand out and she stabbed it instead. I yelled at the top of my lungs in pain and shattered a vase, stabbing her in the gut. "Oh you fucking cunt!" Rose moaned in pain, stabbing my leg multiple times. "Tara! Grab the gun in my room!" I yelled to her while my mind starts to go blank, Ethan was attacking Tara and Tara fought back hard, I can't lie, if i had a short amount of time to live i'd use the time to see my lover fighting some lunatic. I blacked out for a short while before regaining my consciousness. Rose was standing there breathing heavily, with the knife in her hand, my leg was in PAIN. It was bleeding a crazy amount, she looked unfocused so I grabbed a larger piece of the vase and stabbed her in the gut, a lot a lot a lot of times. I watched her as her own blood pooled around her body, I grabbed her knife and put on her costume before fleeing to find Tara, Ethan and Chad. I found Tara and Ethan fighting to get the gun, I entered the room and slashed Ethan in the back, blood coming out as he screamed. "R-rose?" He paused. "Rose?" I took of my mask before he fell and closed his eyes. "Tara, where are you hurt?" I rested my forehead against hers. "Amber, I thought—" Tara paused and cried in my arms. "Hey it's okay. It's almost over. We just need to find Chad and it's over." I whispered, hugging her. We both stood up, going downstairs trying to find Chad. I gestured Tara to be quiet and to go down in the basement. I turned on the voice box. "Chad." I said his name. "Rose, or Ethan or whatever, your here." He laughed. "Why's your mask on?" He grew suspicious. I pointed up to the window where Tara was. He looked up before I took out my knife and stabbed him in the waist, leaving him dead, I took off the costume and stabbed him around seven times, leaving him in his own pool of blood before meeting Tara. "It's over. We are done." I smiled. Rose came running down the stairs and charged at me, "But i'm not done."

hence the title, should i make it where amber survives and rose "doesn't" and tara and the group moves to nyc and they have surprise for them?
sorry short chapter
955 words

baby dont || tamber storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang