~•3•~ (MY WORST DAY)

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A/N :

Another day, another slay. I'm back!!

This chapter is gonna have a bit more stuff happening, be prepared.

This chapter is gonna be way more intense. I'm not gonna go into detail, but I'm gonna write roughly what's happening in the moment.

Tsukasa's pov :

I woke up to the sun's light shining through my windows. I was shining like that once. Not anymore...

Today, it's just going to get worse... Mother said that she and my father are going on a business trip for two weeks.
This means that no one will be here today except for Saki...

Anyways, no time to think. I need to get ready, even though I really do not want to, I have to, or mother will be very upset...

I get up. Slowly. I brush my teeth. Slowly.
I'm doing everything slowly. I look into the mirror to see how horrible I look.
If you would a scale from 1/10 of how horrible and beat up I look. It would be 10. No doubt. But what I also noticed is the clear and purple bite marks all over me.

Tsukasa Tenma angst//don't have a title//Where stories live. Discover now