Page One:

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Panel one, top half of page:

Sofa, now awake from its nap, kneels on the ground before Jade. Jade stands in the center of the room, clearly bored and annoyed. Their hands are on their hips and their eyes are rolling around their sockets. The manager is beside Jade, pointing at Sofa and yelling. His nametag reads Anton. Hivemind continues to stand motionless in the crater.

Anton: "You told me you were going to get this thing out of my store!! Get! It! Out!!"

Sofa: "You won our duel. What is to become of me?"

Jade: "Would you two please leave me alone?"

Panel two, bottom left sixth of page:

Hivemind's head buzzes.

Jade: "Finally!"

Panel three, bottom middle sixth of page:

A small bee crawls onto the top of Hivemind's head.

Bee: "It could get locked in the furniture store and become the guardian of the other furniture!"

Panel four, bottom right sixth of page:

Jade shrugs.

Jade: "That's easy."

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