Page Two:

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Panel one, top left sixth of page:

Sofa smiles, its button eyes gleaming in the store's lights. 

Sofa: "I can stay in my kingdom?"

Panel two, top right sixth of page:

Anton is visibly upset by this news.

Anton: "No! He can't stay!"

Panel three, middle left sixth of page:

Jade turns to face Anton, still rolling their eyes.

Jade: "What the beehive says goes. If you don't like it, you can leave."

Panel four, middle right sixth of page:

Anton goes red in the face.

Anton: "This is my store!! It was my father's before me!! If you think I'm going to leave because some little bee said so, you must be out of your mind!!!"

Panel five, bottom third of page:

Anton walks out of the store, holding a box of his belongings. Jade waves from the (broken) window as Sofa excitedly gathers his citizens (it is running around the store, grabbing them and pulling them into a circle).

Anton: "I'll be back for you sofa... Then you'll be sorry!"

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