Page Ten:

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Panel one, top left eighth of page:

Sofa grows cold and icy. 

Sofa: "Sofa King cool!"

Panel two, top right eighth of page:

A few of Chris's elves are frozen in large blocks of ice.

Panel three, top middle left eighth of page:

Sofa goes back to its usual, cushiony self.

Sofa: "Sofa King fast!"

Panel four, top middle right sixth of page:

A group of elves gets swept up in a blue tornado and fly away.

Panel five, bottom middle left eighth of page:

The last remaining elf nervously looks around.

Panel six, bottom middle right eighth of page:

Sofa throws a punch.

Sofa: "Sofa King strong!"

Panel seven, bottom quarter of page:

The last remaining elf goes flying out of the broken shop window and through the window of a shop across the street. Fenestrator's rage is indescribable.

Fenestrator: "What are the odds!?"

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