Page Three:

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Panel one, top third of page:

Jade hops out of the broken store window.

Jade: "Well, enjoy your kingdom! Bye!"

Panel two, middle left sixth of page:

A hand from someone off panel holds a window squeegee up to Jade's throat. 

Woman: "Hold it!"

Panel three, middle right sixth of page:

A tall, butch woman stands in front of Jade, wearing blue overalls and an orange hard hat. She's very, very mad.

Woman: "You keep going around, breaking windows everywhere you go! Just use a door!!"

Panel four, bottom third of page:

Jade looks confused. The woman shakes her squeegee threateningly.

Jade: "Who are you?"

Woman: "I'm the fenestrator! I have to fix all the windows you keep smashing!" 

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