Page Fourteen:

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Panel one, top third of page:

Sofa walks over to Jade. Its cushiony skin has holes seared into it. 

Sofa: "Oh noble ninja, this act of aggression against the Sofa Kingdom will not stand! Can we count on you for aid?"

Panel two, middle left sixth of page:

Jade shakes their head.

Jade: "I'd rather avoid conflict."

Panel three, middle right sixth of page:

Sofa hangs its head in disappointment.

Sofa: "That's disappointing. I respect your decision."

Panel four, bottom left sixth of page:

Sofa walks back towards its store, a murderous glint in its button eyes.

Sofa: "But there will be conflict! And we will be victorious!!"

Panel five, bottom right sixth of page:

Jade gives a thumbs up. 

Jade: "Good luck with that."

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