Page Sixteen:

3 0 0

Panel one, top left sixth of page:

Houston pulls over a screen. On it is a chemical structure with some gaps in it.

Houston: "The super formula was stolen from us by Bug."

Panel two, top right sixth of page:

Houston excitedly pulls up a second chemical structure with all gaps filled in. This one is slightly different than the other sequence.

Houston: "But! We have a basic level of the formula coursing through are veins!"

Panel three, middle left sixth of page:

Houston holds up a small syringe of blue liquid.

Houston: "I've analyzed this formula and replicated it!"

Panel four, middle right sixth of page:

Houston smiles excitedly.

Houston: "We can make more of us!!"

Panel five, bottom third of page:

Top Banana smiles even wider than Houston as he pats him on the back. The pats knock Houston forward.

Top Banana: "Excellent job Houston!!"

Houston: "Thanks Sir!"

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