Page Seven:

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Panel one, top third of page:

Chris Mass the Chrismass burglar (see Creative Curator: Issue Two) stands in the the driver's seat of a red sleigh. He holds a brick in his hand. He is wearing his usual outfit, a thick red coat and fake white beard. It is a bright, sunny day. Chris is sweating in the heat. His sleigh is being pulled by several miserable people, all wearing cheap Chrismass elf costumes, with fuzzy green and red striped suits and pointy little hats. The sleigh skids and scratches against the paved city street, sending sparks flying in it's wake. 

Chris: "Keep pulling! We are almost at the treasure we seek!"

Panel two, middle third of page:

Chris hops off the sled and marches the elves towards the store. Chris is super excited and energetic, a wide smile on his face. The elves are dead tired, hunched over and breathing heavy. The Fenestrator stands in their way. Jade watches in the background.

Chris: "Onward my loyal elves! The treasure lies within!"

Fenestrator: "Hold it!"

Panel four, bottom left sixth of page:

Fenestrator frowns at Chris. 

Fenestrator: "You've been smashing windows all over the city for months. You're worse than that ninja guy!"

Panel five, bottom right sixth of page:

Chris grins.

Chris: "No glass barrier can keep me form what's rightfully mine!"

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