You think you know somebody

468 14 3

Nathan's POV

"We should be safe here" Carrie said grinning, pulling the last shutter of the blinds over the window.

Glancing around the room, I couldn't see anything with the darkness covering it. The area seems tightly compressed and uncomfortable, like a caravan space. Questions flooded by head.

"Carrie" I said cautiously


"W..Where are we?"

"Honey, don't look so scared this is our home and where we live. Don't you remember?" She said with a disappointed expression on her face


"Sorry" She butted in


I stood up from the chair I sat in and peered out the blinds until my gaze stopped as Carrie had slapped my hand, yanking me away.

"What do you think you are doing. I'm just curious"

She grabbed my face in her hands and her lips were suddenly on mine. This didn't feel right... My stomach churned with sickness.

She pulled away. Satisfied. Leaving me shell shocked as she disappeared into the darkness of the surroundings.

Haley's POV

"Lucas, we have been searching for hours. We have the kids to look after and we are getting no where!"

"Haley, I want to find Nathan as much as you do but the best think we can do right now is..."

"Call the police"


"No, Lucas they can send out a search party to look for Nathan and the kids are sleeping now. It is 3am Lucas."

"Fine. Your right. It's not fair on the kids. But we can't call the police Hales"


"That's what she wants. Attention. It's a game for her Hales"

" I agree with Uncle Lucas" Zac said popping up from the back seats of the car.

"Ok. Do you have a better suggestion?"

"Dad has an iPhone right?"

"Yes, Your point is?"

"Find my IPhone" Zac declared


"He's right Hales, it can lead us directly to Nathan"

"It's working" I said switching my phone on

"Right. Let's go"

Nathan's POV

Light lit the room I was in. Directly pointing at me. I remained on a chair like glue. Tempted to get up and look for Carrie. Something pulled me back like some form of restraints tided against my arms and legs.

"Going somewhere?" She questions looking around the corner
"Honey" She grinned, coming closer to me.

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