Chapter 8~ Life is a tragic death

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Haley's POV

What a night!? I am freaking out my whole family could possibly be dead and all I have left is Lydia.

Nathan is still in a coma and hasn't opened his eyes. Jamie's body has been found and they are trying to save him while trying to save Zac who stupidly could have got himself killed by finding a dead body of his non biological brother.

Haley just calm down a voice was repeating in my head.
The doctors are doing their best and everyone is here.

Brooke. Julian. Peyton. Lucas. Sawyer. Lydia. Jude. Davis. Lexi. Maya. Britney.

"Mrs Scott" A doctor said clutching a notepad

No one answered

"Mrs Haley James Scott to be preciese" He said
I coweredly stuck my hand up and followed him into the next room.

Lay there was Jamie. Zac and Nathan all still with eyes closed
My heart pounded harder making me feel it in my mouth.

I swallowed hard

"Mrs Scott the heart rates have stopped for all of them" " I'm afraid your going to have to say goodbye"

The doctor left.
I burst out crying and ran over to Jamie and held his hand while holding Zac's but finally I ran over to Nathan's bed and my eyes welled with tears as I hugged him.

Just to hear him say " Hales" one more time is all I need letting go just isn't an option.

Lucas stood in the hall and came over to me holding me close.

"Haley it's going to be fine"

"They....They're... going. to..... die... all...of..them" I said in between crying.
Lucas held me in his arms

"I promise you Haley" "Look I will show you now" He said walking over to Zac

"Zac. It's Lucas." He said whispering in his ear. He lay dead.

"I don't wanna be anything other than who I've been trying to lately" Lucas said
"I don't wanna be anything" Lucas sung

I stared at his dead carcus it was hopeless.

"All... I.. have... to do...." Zac mumbled .

"Zac" I cried aloud at his wakening and ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him

"At least your ok" I said smiling

"Is.. think and I piece of mi.." Jamie half finished

"Lucas are you some sort of miracle worker!" I said hugging my two boys deeply

The doctor came in and have Nathan a defribilator and Nathan practically jumped back to life

"Nathan!" I said exited the most about his awakening

I kissed him on the cheek but he looked taken back

"Who....Who are you?" Those words hit me like a brick. He didn't know who I was

He glanced at Lucas. Zac and Jamie and said "who are you people?"

I swallowed hard holding back tears. Knowing Nathan might never be Nathan again

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