Chapter 7~ Crash. Bang. Hospital.

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I know what your all wondering! How did Nathan go into a coma? Where are Madison and Jamie?

Earlier that night

Nathan's POV

I climbed in my car and got behind the wheel and although I shouldnt be happy because it was just a random thursday but in my eyes it was payday!

"Woah baby! I got a bonus to!" I said spreading the money in my hands

"Lets get home so I can show Haley" I said stuffing it in my jeans and starting the engine and I drove away into the night. I was really happy and if it was fate the song happy came on the radio and i was swinging my head in time to the rythmn.

Once the song had stopped so did I coming to realisation of how stupid I probably looked to all the other drivers. The lights were all lit by the green light signaling my go time. I carried on going when a car didn't stop making it collide into mine. I don't remember anything. All I saw was a bit of blonde and blue of a figure I couldn't make out and that was it.

Present time

Zac's car

Lydia's POV

My hands were sweaty whilst Sawyer had my hand in hers. Floods of tears were rolling down my cheeks but Sawyer kept comforting me. There was so many questions that needs and answer.

Zac suddenly slammed on the breaks and climbed out the car leaving Sawyer and I confused as it wasn't the hospital but a shallow lake below with a broken banister.

I peered over the side of the car and read the number plate.

"It's dads car Zac. But dadis in the hospital so we need to go"

"Sawyer you drive my car and take Lydia to the hospital"

"What about you" Was Sawyer's reply

"I'm saving my brother" He said but before we could stop him he had already jumped in the water but all Sawyer could do as obey his commands which meant I not only could loose my dad but my dumb brothers too

Zac's POV

I rose to the surface gasping for breath and went straight back under when I saw a face. Jamie's face.

I tugged at his carcuss but it was almost impossible as the car was flat on top of him. I was loosing breath if I didnt go back up to the surface in the next ten seconds I would probably die. But that was a risk I was willing to take. Six seconds later and Jamie was free and floating to the surface as I was following him my mouth clogged and I began to notice how far away the surface was from me

Falling Apart~ One Tree HillOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant