Chapter 5~ The Hospital

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Naley's house
Zac's POV

I looked around looking for Lydia. I ran over to her bed and yanked back her covers.
She squinted her eyes as she saw her bedroom light on

"What the hell are you doing?" She asked

"I....I thought Carrie took"

"Clearly!" "Will you go I'm tired"

I looked out her window into the black night sky knowing she would come

"No Lyd we need to go like right now"
I said yanking her arm from her bed while she complained about wearing her illuminous pink pjs

I ran outside into my car and started it
"Zac this is ridiculous" She said
"Nanny Carrie is going to kill your dollies" She remarked with sarcasm while smirking

The street lights flickered on and off with the ruffling of rubbish bins and the howling of animals

"Lydia look out" I said jumping on her and pushing her to the ground when the electricity tower fell right next to us whilst it flashed and started a fire

"O...ok now I believe you!"
"What are we going to do we are going to die if we don't move now"
I rolled under the car and jumped in the other side while Lydia copied me and we drove to the hospital where Jamie lay with a bandage round his leg with mum and dad round him looking back at us

"What happened?" Dad asked us as we looked at our ripped clothes and our black faces

"Carrie is dead right?" Lydia asked

"Y..yeah why?" Mum and Dad both said but jumped when they looked out the window and saw there was a fire near our house

Jamie started to twitch in his bed
"Jamie" we could hear a faint voice
"Jamie. Jamie. Nanny Carrie is here. Mummy is back"
We all looked with expressed faces
While Jamie was paranoid

"No! Leave us alone" Jamie screamed as I jumped and found myself surrounded by my bed covers

"Talk about some freaky dreams" I said while changing into my uniform


Logan's POV
I walked over to Zac. Jude and Davis to hand them a flyer

"What's this" Jude asked

"I'm throwing a party! Kinda like a one night stand thing. Everyone is invited"

"Zac. Jude. Davis plenty of hot cheerleaders are going to be there!" I said before leaving them to discuss

Jude's POV

"A chance to do IT with Mackenzie" Davis said smiling

"A chance to talk to Melisa" I said

" A chance to change my fate with Sawyer" Zac whispered quietly before stuffing it in his backpack

A/N sorry for not posting I haven't had time and I've been busy with school and exams so I'm really sorry

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