Episode 19 - Lost in the Woods

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Location: The Dark Oak Forest

It was another day with the SMG4 gang as Y/n, SMG4, Mario and Luigi are wandering in the woods, and they seem to be lost after they tried to go out for a stroll in the Dark Wood Forest until SMG4 started giving the gang some wrong directions to get back to Creation City.

You see, in the Dark Wood Forest, it is known that there was a legend called, The Lost Legend as it is known that when someone enters these woods will cause them to get lost and can't find a way back to the city unless there was a miracle that might lead them to the right direction.

SMG4: Uh...it's this way!...I think...

Luigi: That's what you said 3 hours ago!!!

Mario: Oooh. Mario's fat is not very happy...

Y/n: I hate to say this guys, but I think we're lost.

Luigi: SMG4...don't tell me that we're...LOST!?!?!?

SMG4: (brushing Luigi off) What? Pfft, no! I never get lost. What are you talking about?

Mario: It's okay, SMG4. We know you get lost trying to find the bathrooms.

Y/n: Or to go outside for a nice stroll in these woods, but do you not realize that we're all now lost in the freakin' forest?!?!

SMG4: (offended) Shut up! You know what, I'm getting us out of here right now! Follow me!

The gang then started running off...only to end up back in the same exact place they were before.

SMG4: ...SHIT!!!

Y/n: Let's face it guys. We're now lost in the woods thanks to SMG4's lack of direction.

Mario: (pessimistically) Yep, we're pretty screwed. We're never gonna make it back.

Luigi: (frightened) ...WHA?

Mario: We're probably gonna starve and die.

Y/n: Or die from thirst or freeze to death at night.

Luigi begins spouting a bunch of gibberish from all the tension.

Mario: There's probably also monsters in these woods that will eat us...

Y/n: Or we might get eaten by a hungry bear that is all doped up with cocaine or a horde of vicious, bloodthirsty mountain lions!!!

Luigi passes out from all the dangerous stuff that Y/n and Mario had to shout out.

SMG4: Ok, fine! We're lost. So what? We're lost. So what? We don't have to worry because...

SMG4 then whips out his smartphone as it's their only chance to get them out of the woods.

SMG4: ...WE HAVE TECHNOLOGY!!!...ah crap! It's on 2% battery!

Y/n: What?! You forgot to charge your own phone?!?!?!

Luigi: (panicking) AH! Quick! Call for help!

SMG4: Wait, hang on! I need my daily dose of memes first.

Y/n: No, SMG4!! Don't look up memes on the internet!!! We need to call for help!! It's our only chance!!!

SMG4 started browsing through some funny memes and starts laughing, blatantly ignoring the tense situation that he and his friends are in right now.

Luigi: SMG4! STOP! There are more important things than memes!

SMG4: Heehee, look at this one.

Y/n and Mario looks at the phone and starts laughing...and then the phone dies...as the phone is their only chance to get of the woods.

The Legend of SMG5|Season 1: The Rise of Y/n L/n aka SMG5Where stories live. Discover now