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Chapter 31

Thus, when Su Yi opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Wanyan Xu peering at him with worry written all over his face. In his eyes, Su Yi could see the depth of his affections, but when Wanyan Xu realised that Su Yi had opened his eyes, he quickly schooled his expression to appear neutral. A pang of pain struck his heart, and Su Yi shut his eyes again, in a cold voice that did not betray his feelings, he said: "Why have you come here? You have already got what you desired, in the end I was forced to agree to be your... Don't tell me you want to force me to say it again, and have my heart drip a few more drops of blood before you are satisfied? Or is it that when I knelt down before the stage and begged you just a while ago, it made you feel very happy and you have come here to enjoy the sight of me weak and powerless?"

Wanyan Xu's heart was aching, but his face was expressionless when he said: "Since matters have come to this, you can think what you like as long as you obediently worship Heaven and Earth [2] with me and complete the Empress Coronation ceremony that will be held in one-and-a-half months." After that I shall have all the time in the world to make you understand my true feelings for you. He did not say the last sentence aloud, instead, after giving Zi Liu and Zi Nong some instructions he stood up and left.

Su Yi looked after him with hard eyes as Wanyan Xu's silhouette gradually disappeared, at this moment he was utterly disappointed in him. He had originally thought that although they had been destined to be enemies through an accident of birth, but nevertheless, the two of them could be considered confidants. Instead, Wanyan Xu had employed such a despicable method when he was trying to compel Su Yi to be his Empress. Scene by scene, he recalled what had transpired earlier that day on the stage. Bitterly, it occurred to him that not even a beast would be capable of such abominable actions, which were worthy of the condemnation of Heaven itself.

"Wanyan Xu, I was wrong about you, I was really... wrong about you." Su Yi tearfully mumbled, as he contemplated how he could face the coronation ceremony, only one-and-a-half months away. He is a man, but he would soon be forced to assume a role that was reserved, by tradition and history, for a female; such a humiliation would be difficult to bear. He would rather die than to suffer the disgrace of becoming another man's wife, Su Yi genuinely doubted if he could sustain his spirits and live to see that day.

Witnessing Su Yi's anguish, Zi Nong's heart was distressed and she almost blurted out the truth but was stopped by Zi Liu looking at her meaningfully. A little while later, when a few palace maids arrived bearing large boxes, Zi Nong said while smiling: "Young Master, please have your meal." Su Yi's brows were furrowed, and he gave every indication that he was unwilling to eat. Zi Nong was anxious and said: "Those people are still being detained in jail, if Young Master eats well, they will also be served excellent food and drink. If Young Master chooses not to eat, similarly, not a drop of water or rice will pass their lips..." Before she had finished speaking, she was interrupted by Su Yi. Zi Nong had never seen him like this; his eyes were filled with agony, and his voice sounded choked when he said: "Miss Zi Nong, I beg you... beg you to please say no more, I will eat."

Zi Nong's heart paused for a beat; she saw that although Su Yi had hastily picked up a bowl of porridge and was consuming it in big spoonfuls, his eyes were filled with tears that he kept from spilling through sheer stubbornness.

Zi Nong ached when she saw how distraught Su Yi was, and she almost blurted out: Young Master don't be so sad, those people have already gone home after being rewarded with some silver. Actually what you witnessed this afternoon was merely a performance put on by his Majesty with their full cooperation. Not only did the Emperor confer on them many rewards, he also promised that as long as you are his Empress, he will never allow the people of Jin Liao to bully the people of Qi, nor will they enjoy higher status just because of their ethnicity. They only agreed to help his Majesty deceived you because of these promises.

Luckily, Zi Liu was by her side. When she saw that Zi Nong was obviously feeling conflicted, she hurriedly said: "go to the kitchen and check if the Bird's Nest Soup is being stewed, if not, you should prompt them to finish preparing it quickly." Thus, she managed to get Zi Nong out of the room.

Although Su Yi was consuming the porridge and soup with big mouthfuls, he had absolutely no appetite, to the extent that he had no sensation of being hungry or full. Luckily, Zi Liu was a conscientious attendant. When she saw that although the food laid out on the table had been lessened by half, Su Yi was still mechanically clutching the bowl of porridge and his face was becoming faintly discoloured, she quickly said: "Young Master should be full by now, you need not finish all these dishes. If you are really hungry, there will be a special type of Bird's Nest Soup served at midnight. It is a delicacy that has been stewed over a small flame for many hours, and would be very beneficial in helping your body recover from the wounds you have sustained." At this, Su Yi put down his bowl.

From then on, Su Yi became just like a block of wood, every single word he spoke and every action he made was under the direction of someone. Although Wanyan Xu rushed to and from Su Yi's residence every day, they found that they could not speak to each other congenially, and so did not say much to each other and therefore, Wanyan Xu failed to notice Su Yi's apathy.

Instead it was Zi Liu who grew steadily more worried, thinking to herself: as the saying goes, when a cow refuses to drink, it must be compelled. But now that the Emperor has pushed Young Master to his limits, could it be that what he accomplished has been to force a healthy, vital man to become like a living corpse? It is too cruel that Young Master should suffer such a fate.

Zi Liu did not dare to delay further and promptly set aside time to seek out Wanyan Xu in the administrative halls of the Outer Court. She then proceeded to relay to him how Su Yi now spent his days and his behaviour, not leaving out a single detail.

Wanyan Xu did not seem to be surprised at all, saying gravely: "He has been beset with many changes in a short amount of time, and he is now faced with an extremely unappealing prospect. It is inevitable that he will feel despondent for a while, but it will not become a serious problem." Although he said this, and instructed Zi Liu to leave, he was ultimately still perturbed over Su Yi's condition. Therefore, he put aside the memorial he had been reading and after giving Zi Nan some instructions, he proceeded to make his way to Su Yi's residence. When he arrived, he saw that the Garden of Merriment situated opposite appeared to display even more enchantment under the sunlight. Its vibrant colours and elegant lines created a truly magnificent vision. Thinking of how, in a month's time, his beloved and he would be sharing a bed and pillows under the eaves of this gorgeous and graceful palace, Wanyan Xu was elated beyond measure and wished only for that day to arrive sooner. But it also brought to mind the destruction of the Great Qi, inwardly, he reminded himself that it was to build this very palace --- the epitome of extravagant luxury --- that the Qi Emperor had doomed his country. He must remind himself ten-thousand times of the mistake made by his predecessor; he must never allow himself to over-indulge in the pleasures offered in this beautiful place and lose his drive to forge ahead. Such folly would make a mockery of his motives for moving the capital; rendering it a flawed deed that had no merit, only detriment.

While pondering over these thoughts, he had come to Su Yi's bedchamber. Entering the room, he saw that the purposeful man he had come to know was lying on the bed, staring into thin air with total apathy. Although his body had been receiving much care and nourishment over the previous days, he did not seem to have put on any weight. With the knowledge that the day of the coronation ceremony was getting steadily closer with the passing of each day, his tormented heart had also been feeling increasingly heavy as the days passed.

Wanyan Xu stealthily observed him from behind a curtain, when Zi Nong noticed him and opened her mouth to pay her respects, she was prevented from making a sound by the waving of his hand. After watching with frustration for ages, he turned back, only to see that Zi Nan was standing in the courtyard with an unfamiliar man, they seemed to be waiting for something. He nodded his head, and then quietly retreated behind a screen. He saw Zi Nan lead the man into the room, although he could not clearly make out his features, he soon heard a trembling voice call out: "Ruo... Ruo Zhi, is that really you?"

End of Chapter 31

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