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Chapter 37

Numerous palace maidens and eunuchs were already kneeling to the side of the entrance, ready to greet and welcome the newly-wed couple. When Wanyan Xu came to the bedroom, the delicate and warm fragrance of sandalwood was the first thing that greeted them, followed by two palace maids who then drew up the drapes. After entering the room, Wanyan Xu smilingly said to the attendants: "You can withdraw, just leave two behind in the outer room to serve tea and attend to our needs." So saying, he walked to the large bed and gently placed the person he had clasped in his embrace, who was trembling incessantly, onto the soft brocade bedding.

Su Yi squeezed his eyes shut, silently berating himself harshly for so easily showing weakness but in truth, his heart had already become timid with apprehension. Balling his fists up tightly, he made a valiant effort to present a resolute and obstinate exterior to Wanyan Xu. The burst of damp heat on his eyelids took him completely by surprise, he opened his eyes in shock and realised that the cause of that sensation was Wanyan Xu had licked him there. Wanyan Xu laughed and said: "I [1] knew that you would have to open them." Having said that, he clasped Su Yi's hands and one by one, he coaxed each finger to relax. In a soothing voice, he said: "Su Su don't be afraid, although there will be some pain the first time, I will be as gentle as possible."

Su Yi gave a "humph". Out of spite, he rashly blurted out: "What do I have to be afraid of? I will just treat it as being bitten by a dog, the only thing I can't say for sure is that whether a dog like you is more like a wolf dog or a mad dog." His words were intended to impugn Wanyan Xu, but to his disappointment, Wanyan Xu did not appear to be in the least bit peeved, instead he was chuckling happily as he unfastened Su Yi's belt. While his hands were busy, he said: "As for that, wouldn't you find out for yourself in a while?" As the belt was removed with a whoosh, the crimson robes Su Yi was wearing immediately parted and fell to his sides, revealing his under-clothes which had been fashioned from the finest snowy white silk. Alarmed and terrified, Su Yi grabbed and held on to his hands, preventing him from making any further moves.

Wanyan Xu smiled as he looked at Su Yi and said: "Su Su, tonight is the night of our wedding, ideally you would be willing, but if you are unwilling it doesn't matter. In either case, the night should not be wasted. If you are really afraid, I could stand to endure it for tonight, but what will the limits of my endurance be? This event will have to come one day." As he was speaking, his hands were moving non-stop. Because Su Yi was still trying to prevent him from proceeding further, in their battle, the snowy under-robe was ripped and fell off Su Yi in tatters, exposing his chest which was covered with fine skin the colour of pale wheat, so light that it could almost be described as white.

Su Yi bit down on his lips hard as powerful feelings of shame flooded through his entire body. Unfortunately, Wanyan Xu seemed intent on increasing Su Yi's self-consciousness. As his hands wandered down to slip the crimson pants and underpants from Su Yi's hips, he said with a tender tone to his voice: "Su Su, from this moment on, you belong to me, just as I belong to you. The two of us shall live together in harmony, forever and ever, in this life and the next, we shall never be separated. Wouldn't that be good?"

"Not good."With difficulty, Su Yi managed to force out these two words, having his body bare and exposed to the air was causing him tremendous embarrassment, to the extent that his very breathing was becoming slightly disordered. His upper body belonged to the intense gaze of the man with eyes as hungry as those of a ravenous wolf, even though he had shut his eyes tightly, he could clearly feel those blazing eyes roaming around his body without restraint. Soon after, he could feel that a solid body was slowly pressing up against his own, it felt muscular without being coarse, and also, a pair of powerful arms was wrapping his entire body in an embrace.

Su Yi made a supreme effort to put up with Wanyan Xu's ministrations, refusing to give in to the impulse he had of shoving Wanyan Xu away. In his mind's eye, the indelible images of what had happened that day in the square flickered by in a loop and in his heart he desperately repeated this mantra: endure this, you have to endure this. Aloud, he said: "Wanyan Xu, if... if I let you have your way tonight, you... could you release those prisoners?"

Wanyan Xu peered down at Su Yi's face, which had become slightly twisted in his anxiety. While nodding he said: "Of course, although this question of yours brings to my mind very unpleasant memories of what had happened in the past. Su Su, I also have a wish, I wish that you will honour your promise to be by my side for as long as we both live, don't force me to transform into a beast again."

"You are a beast right now." Su Yi did not let himself get carried away and just grumbled softly but this gave Wanyan Xu a good opportunity to nibble delicately at Su Yi's earlobe and pull at it gently with his teeth, causing Su Yi's sensitive body to be immediately rocked by a wave of heat.

"Open your legs." Wanyan Xu patiently instructed the adored person that was lying under him, who was making a supreme effort to endure his attentions. But when the only result was that Su Yi clamped his legs even more tightly together, Wanyan Xu could only smile helplessly and press their chests closer together, until not even a sliver of a gap could be seen.

Su Yi could distinctly feel the thrum of Wanyan Xu's heartbeats, thump thump thump they went, robust and forceful. His own heartbeat also grew ever more frenetic and he simply did not know where he could hide his eyes or what to do with his hands. With his thoughts in disarray, a sudden coolness between his thighs took him by surprise. Taking advantage of his distracted state, a long, slender but muscular leg that did not belong to him had managed to wedge itself into the crevice between his own legs and furthermore, was rubbing against his groin with great skill, alternating heavy strokes with light brushes.

"Ah...", Su Yi gave a shriek. He tried to close his legs, but that was no longer possible, so he desperately thrashed around, trying to push aside this uninvited guest but he accidentally bumped into a large, distended object instead. Instantly his face was coloured with a blush as red as cinnabar, he knew all too clearly what that thing was, his mouth was especially familiar with it, having once intimately taken the measure of this fellow and knew exactly what its size was. Lascivious scenes from the incident in the bathroom flooded his mind, besides making Su Yi even more nervous, they also brought forth pangs of agony that bored into Su Yi's heart.

Wanyan Xu looked upon his blushing face, and said smilingly: "Su Su, what have you thought of? Why don't we go to the bathing pool located at the back and revisit the good times we had previously enjoyed?"

Finally, Su Yi could endure no further, the heartache and bitterness mingling together in his heart were welling up irrepressibly. Fighting back his tears with sheer stubbornness, he managed to choke out: "You... how long do you intend to keep bullying me? If you really want it, then be more direct and get on with it, I'll just pretend... pretend to have died." So saying, he indeed forcibly stilled his body and refused to make the slightest movement.

Having been thus rebuked, Wanyan Xu felt some contrition in his heart and hurried to pacify Su Yi with coaxing words: "Alright, alright, alright, I won't say anymore. You should try to relax a more too, you are holding your body too rigidly, you will definitely get hurt like this." Come, let me help you." So saying, he stretched out a hand to Su Yi's back entrance. After circling the dense folds for a while, he took aim at the tight, small hole with a single finger and slowly began to press and knead the narrow opening.

End of Chapter 37

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