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Chapter 55

The place of the scene was once again the large pool in the Garden of Merriment. Through the clouds of steam rising up from the pool, the silhouette of two people entwined in an embrace while being seated was vaguely visible.

"Su Su, do you still remember the very first confrontation we had in the water?" It was Wanyan Xu's gentle voice that was speaking. Su Yi leaned quietly against Wanyan Xu's body, while wrapped in his arms. With his eyes shut, he made no reply but suddenly, he said:"Wanyan Xu, just kill me, you... really don't have to treat me like this anymore." His heart throbbed with pain, as intensely as it did when he first heard that the Great Qi had been destroyed. The difference was that, this time, his heart was aching for the very man who had destroyed the Great Qi.

Wanyan Xu ignored Su Yi's reply and continued to scoop water in his hands to pour over Su Yi's body, again and again. While gently rubbing Su Yi's body, he continued on the same line of questioning, as if that was the only thing that occupied his thoughts, saying: "You were so impressive in that moment, even though you already understood that you were not my [1] match, you still continued to struggle desperately, just like an implacable wild beast that would continue fighting to the death, even after sustaining a serious wound. Obviously you had already been tortured to your limit, is that not so? Su Su, if you had known then that the indomitable spirit you showed me on that day would lead to everything that followed after, would you have tried to be a little more amenable at that time?"

Su Yi gave a sigh, but otherwise remained silent. Although it would seem as though Wanyan Xu also did not really wish for him to reply, as he continued to speak: "But I [2] too, was really formidable at that time, in my heart, I didn't have any notion that I should be tender or protective towards my paramour at all." He gently stroked Su Yi's long hair, which was floating on the surface of the water and suddenly gave a soft smile and said: "Su Su, at that time I... I must have caused you much pain, right?"

"Wanyan Xu... I beg of you... beg you please don't be like this..." Su Yi could no longer keep the tone of his voice even, and his words came out choked with emotion. Feeling weak, he leaned his entire body into Wanyan Xu's embrace. Why was it that only now, when this embrace was on the cusp of being lost to him forever, that he realized it was actually so warm and comforting?

Wanyan Xu could only remain silent and clasp the person he loved to his bosom even more tightly. His face was wet, but whether it was from tears or condensation, one could not say. After a long time had passed, he said in a husky voice: "Su Su, you tell me, are you being framed by someone? You tell me, I will support you. You are my Su Su, I will definitely, definitely back you up." The force with which he embraced Su Yi grew greater and greater, clear evidence of the increasing anxiety in his heart as he waited for Su Yi's reply. This was his... his very last thread of hope.

Su Yi's heart began to feel an unprecedented conflict; this new development was surprising even to himself. Just as Wanyan Xu had often said, he really was a soft-hearted person, no matter what the occasion might be, the fate of his fellow citizens would always be the best bargaining chip for someone to use when trying to blackmail Su Yi. As long as they had this leverage in hand, even if the result would be the eternal damnation of his soul, he would not have hesitated for even a moment before complying with their demands. However, when he was lying in this man's embrace, feeling the deep love he bore for Su Yi, he actually began to hesitate. His fervent desire to not let this man suffer yet another hurt because of Su Yi was actually strong enough to compete with Yu Cang and Zi Yan's threat to end the lives of his compatriots. 

Without meaning to, Su Yi's silence gave Wanyan Xu a reason to let his hopes rise. He gently tilted Su Yi's chin up, so that their gazes met straight-on. Wanyan Xu carefully tried to capture and make sense of all the emotions that were swirling in Su Yi's pupils, hoping to find the answer he desperately craved. After a long time, Su Yi suddenly shut his eyes and articulating each word clearly, he said: "No, no one has framed me. Wanyan Xu, you should know by now that the wrongs you inflicted upon my country has become my personal vendetta to avenge. This laceration in my heart is like the canal that separated the warring states of Chu and Han. With the passage of time, the chasm will only grow wider bit by bit. It will never disappear." Ah! In the end, he still could not turn a blind eye to the fate of the few hundred compatriots who had been captured. He could only laugh bitterly in his heart as he thought: Wanyan Xu, let us count this as me being in debt to you. If there is such a thing as reincarnation, then in our next lifetime, let me make it up to you slowly, bit by little bit. I don't care even if we are both of the same sex, or even if we are again born to be mortal enemies, l... will be sure to... slowly repay every single bit of affection you have given me.

"Su Su, why do you need to close your eyes? Don't tell me that you will not be able to say such heartless things if you look at me?" As Wanyan Xu released Su Yi from his arms in disappointment, he could hear the sound of his own heart breaking.

"Wanyan Xu, I want to ask one last thing of you, take it as... take it as the last time you pamper me." Su Yi opened his eyes, desperate entreaty showing over his whole face. He saw that Wanyan Xu had become withdrawn and abstruse, his eyes no longer betraying even a hint of any emotion. Shocked, his heart stopped for a few beats but in the end, he still forced himself to continue: "I beg of you, please do not vent the hatred you bear for me on the people of the Great Qi, you can... you can sentence me to death by a thousand cuts to assuage your anger. Do what you wish with me, but I only beg that you let them off. I am the only person guilty of treason; it has nothing to do with them. They... They are innocent ah!"

Wanyan Xu stood up slowly, haha, it was time to wake up from that impossible dream. In the end, all his Su Su cared for in his heart was still the people of the Great Qi. As for himself, the deep love he bore for his Su Su only met with his cruel betrayal in exchange. As if he had lost his soul, he walked towards the large marble bench, each step mechanical and stiff. He felt so much hatred in his heart; hatred so intense that he felt that even if he used the most brutal methods to punish the man in front of him, that devil that had been born in his heart would never be exorcised. So... so it would seem that it was actually such a simple thing for hate to be born from love. In total despair, he slumped onto the bench. In the mirror [3], he could see that a shadowy figure was approaching him from the back. Su Yi's body was as white as snow and his long silky black hair was draped over his chest and back, imparting an enchanting allure to him that was as bewitching as that possessed by any fox-spirit [4].

"If you really do not wish for me to vent all my hatred on the bodies of your people, then you have to continue living, so that you will be here to withstand all the hatred I have on their behalf." He stood up and said coldly to the palace maid who was standing by his side: "The morning has come, help him to dress in... garb that is suitable for his status as a criminal. The last tenderness that I show to him has now come to an end." When he finished his speech, he did not look at Su Yi any longer. Heavy step by heavy step, he walked out of the bathroom.

End of Chapter 55

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