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Chapter 66

With the idea in mind, Wanyan Shuo smiled coldly and said: "Why would Mother Concubine say that? It just occurred to my mind that when the weather is so bitterly cold, the herdsmen of Jin Liao who wander the northern plains would have to endure even more hardship than usual. I am the person who will inherit the throne, naturally I have been taught from a young age to be concerned about national affairs. I am not as fortunate as Mother Concubine, who only has to win the favour of Imperial Grandma and Imperial Father to be able to live a free and easy life, not having to give a care about anything else. Speaking of this, you can now be considered the most senior consort in the Imperial Harem, as such you should also spare some consideration about our country. But you invariably choose to eat, drink and make merry. Humph humph, since you are the one who brought up the former Empress, I might as well bring him into the conversation. If... if he were here, I wonder if he would be as uncaring to the pain and difficulties faced by the common folk as you? Although he has betrayed Imperial Father, but when it comes to this point, he is really much superior to you." 

By the time he had finished, Concubine Yin was so apoplectic with rage that she could not say a word. But the Empress Dowager smiled and said: "Shuo Er is still so combative. Your Mother Concubine only made an innocent comment, but just look at you. That's enough, that person is guilty of a heinous crime, we should not spare him another thought." With that said, she went over and hugged this grandson, whom she doted on, and said: "But I am really very happy to see that Shuo Er is concerned about the people, my grandson is finally growing up. From your words, I know that when you ascend the throne in future, you achievements would not be lesser than your Imperial Father's." She then looked at Wanyan Xu and said: "How come you always say the Shuo Er only wishes to have fun, isn't he behaving like a proper heir to the throne now?"

Wanyan Shuo's words had also brought back many memories to Wanyan Xu's mind, when he heard the Empress Dowager's question, he had to quickly gather up his wits to muster a reply. Smiling, he said: "Yes, Mother Empress can carry on spoiling him, he's getting ever more undisciplined and out-of-control." With that said, he looked back to his son. He saw that Wanyan Shuo's eyes were still fixed on Concubine Yin, looking her up and down, as if sizing her up. Wanyan Xu knew his son well enough to immediately understand that Wanyan Shuo still had a few tricks up his sleeve in store for her. But Wanyan Xu was touched to see that he still missed Su Yi, and a sudden wave of affection washed over him. Although he knew that Wanyan Shuo was deliberately taunting Concubine Yin to vent his anger, he decided not to stop him, instead he looked on with a smile on his face.

As he expected, Wanyan Shuo piped up again and said: "But Imperial Grandma, what's the use of us sitting here and worrying about it? The herdsmen in the north are really in dire straits, if their cattle and sheep should freeze to death in this weather, then their existence would become quite hopeless." So saying, he jumped out of the Empress Dowager's embrace and said: "Imperial Grandma, I have a good idea, we can set aside some money and give them subsidies so that they can build warm bullpens and barns for their animals. Their livestock is also their lifeblood, if we can prevent even some of them from freezing to death, their livelihood would be more secure." After that, he stared at Concubine Yin with bright and sparkling eyes and after a few chortles, he said: "I know that after Imperial Father moved the capital to Dou Yan, he granted a lot of tax breaks and exemptions to the people. Although there is still a lot of silver in the Imperial Treasury, we need to have plenty of reserves to cope with sudden emergencies like war or natural disasters, it is really not prudent to disburse money from the treasury for this matter at this time. But I see that Imperial Father has rewarded many of my Mother Concubines with rare jewels that used to belong to the previous dynasty. Why don't we sell those jewels instead, and use the funds raised to provide subsidies to the northern plainsmen? Well, since I'm the person who came up with this proposal, I'll take the lead and donate the ink slab and writing brush that Imperial Father presented to me, this writing set is said to have belonged to the legendary Fu Xi Emperor [3]. Hehe, it can be considered my most prized possession, a priceless treasure indeed. My Mother Concubines should not try to selfishly squirrel away their own treasures too." 

In one breath, he had set his plan in motion. Among the gathered concubines, there was none who were not aghast at the prospect. In their alarm, their faces had blanched. As Wanyan Shuo had anticipated, these women valued their precious gems and jewellery like their lives depended on them. Unfortunately for them, the Empress Dowager was unequivocal in her approval and praise, saying: "This is a plan full of virtue indeed. I will contribute a treasure as well. Bring me the pair of 'Five Phoenixes of the Sunrise Hairpins with Hanging Pearls' [4]."

Wanyan Shuo was on the verge of bursting into gleeful laughter. On the other hand, Wanyan Xu was both exasperated and amused. He knew very well that this mischievous little imp did not care at all for the Four Treasures of the Study [5] or anything associated with calligraphy and scholarship. However illustrious its provenance or how high its value, he had been itching to get rid of it. The little scamp also loved to wander around the palace, and get into places where he was not supposed to be. Thus he knew very well what sorts of precious objects and jewellery were in the residences of each concubine. If he was really going to see this game to its conclusion, then the women could not hope to have even half a piece of jewellery left by the time he was done. Wanyan Xu looked at Concubine Yin and saw that this most unfortunate concubine was on the verge of dissolving into tears.

He could not help but to heave a heavy sigh and thought: when it comes to matters concerning the people, really, there was nobody who could compare to Su Su. If he were still the Empress, he would certainly be pleased that the Imperial Heir is mindful of the needs of the common people and he would not hesitate to empty his own pockets to help the commoners. Aii, only the people have a place in his heart, but I wish that he could have a trace of selfishness too. If only he could be a bit like these concubines and put the people aside in his mind occasionally, and try to win my favour. But fate makes playthings of all men; he could never do anything like that in future nor would he.

With a single move, Wanyan Shuo had gotten his revenge, and the feelings of gloom in his chest lifted considerably. He said to the Empress Dowager: "Imperial Grandma, is there anything else you would like to prepare? Your grandson will go and instruct people to carry out this plan now." When the Empress Dowager shook her head, he left in great excitement, and heard Wanyan Xu shouting from behind: "Put on another layer of clothing." And then he commanded Zi Nong to follow the Crown Prince personally. When Wanyan Shuo turned back for a look, he saw that Zi Nong was indeed following behind him. Shaking her head, she smiled and said: "Crown Prince, slow down a bit and wait for your humble servant."

The two of them came to the grove of plum trees and saw that the trees were covered with tens of thousands of red blossoms that were in full bloom or just beginning to flower. When contrasted with the pristine white snow, the picture they created was one of ethereal beauty. Wanyan Shuo smiled and said: "When Imperial Grandma sees such scenery tomorrow, she will surely be delighted." So saying, he went inside a small little hall constructed in the midst of the trees and saw that various eunuchs and palace maids were busy laying out tables and chairs in the most pleasing arrangements. Everything was being thoughtfully prepared.

He was feeling very happy, when he suddenly heard someone's voice from beyond the door: "What are you doing here?" This was followed by a familiar voice, who replied: "Oh, the curtains and mosquito nets that were sent to the laundry a few days ago have been washed and ironed, please have a look and receive them if there is nothing amiss." Wanyan Shuo's heart stopped for a beat, and after exchanging a glance with Zi Nong, he found that his companion also wore a look of alarm on her face. He hesitated for a while, but he finally made his decision and bounded out of the little hall in large steps, only to see that Su Yi had already gone far away. When surrounded by the snowy landscape, his solitary figure looked especially lonely and desolate, as if he were enveloped by a shroud of endless chill.

Wanyan Shuo looked on silently, before he suddenly said to Zi Nong: "Take a plate of snacks from the hall and bring it to him. This cold weather must be difficult for him... his legs are already not good..." At this point, his eyes filled up with tears and he slowly turned away. Zi Nong also welcomed such an order very much and hurriedly piled a plate high with assorted pastries and delicacies before hurrying after Su Yi. But she suddenly heard Wanyan Shuo call after her: "Zi Nong, wait." She slowly turned her body back, not knowing what the Crown prince was about to say.

End of Chapter 66

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