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Chapter 45

Su Yi tried to help them up and said: "Don't worry, I am certainly not one to go back on my word, I will just continue to behave like I know nothing of this matter. But the two of you are too negative, even if Wanyan Xu discovers that you had inadvertently revealed the truth of the matter, the two of you are among his most trusted and favoured aides, how could he demand that you compensate for your error through death?"

Zi Liu said: "Young Master may not know this, but we have been with His Majesty since our childhoods and have shared many a laugh and pranks with him. But there is one area in which we are not allowed any leniency, that is, all of His Majesty's instructions must be carried out to perfection. If we deviate from his directive even a little, a heavy punishment cannot be avoided. That day, His Majesty already declared that whoever slips up and causes the truth to be uncovered by Young Master should be ready to have their heads roll. Admittedly, it was to warn us to always be vigilant and emphasized the seriousness of the matter. But if we really commit this mistake, His Majesty might not have mercy. He often says that as his most trusted aides who have also been with him for many years, he naturally would spoil and pamper us, to an extent that is almost unheard of for servants. But if we don't even attach importance to his orders and follow them to the letter, then he has treated us well in vain and has only caused us to become arrogant. He has no further use for such servants and would not keep them around. Therefore although we normally treat him with familiarity regardless of the difference in our social station, but we do not dare to defy his orders even a little."

Su Yi had no ready reply, in his heart he felt that although it was rather cruel of Wanyan Xu to handle matters like this, he also had to admit that his method of managing his aides was correct. This man was really not simple at all. As he was thinking these things over, he felt that his feelings towards Wanyan Xu were becoming increasingly complicated, at this very moment, he did not even know if he should hate or respect Wanyan Xu. He could only help the two maidens up and said: "All right, get up, I will never let him know what happened today."

Zi Nong and Zi Liu were filled with immense gratitude and Zi Liu suddenly said: "Your humble servant will remember Young Master's kindness and magnanimity as long as I live. I have heard of Young Master's reputation as a benevolent and righteous man even in Jin Liao, before the war. Now that you have become our Empress, the both of us are happy and convinced that you are ideal for that position, but I have to give a word of warning to Young Master. I have previously heard from Zi Nan that Zi Yan was extremely dissatisfied with the decision to crown you as Empress. Aii, although the four of us are like sisters to each other, our characters and temperament are very different. She is someone who never looks back once her mind has been made up, if she has decided on something, even His Majesty would be unable to dissuade her. Therefore, your humble servant is afraid that she would be deleterious to you and wishes to remind Young Master ten-thousand times that you should always be extremely careful."

Su Yi nodded his head and said: "Thank you for the warning, I will be sure to be more cautious."

But in his heart he thought: I am a Great Qi national, moreover I was also a prisoner of war, by right I should never have become the Empress. Miss Zi Yan is afraid that I will lead Wanyan Xu astray and naturally, she is dissatisfied. If she wishes to dispose of me, it would be good --- if it will allow me to shed the title of Empress, I would be willing to even lose my life. I would be the first one to offer her my gratitude for such an act.

Although these were his true feelings, he made no mention of them and he was accompanied by Zi Nong as he went back to his palace while Zi Liu departed to attend to Wanyan Xu.

A few concubines had made an appointment with him and were waiting in his residence to pay Su Yi their respects, they smilingly said: "We should have come earlier, but we thought that Young Master must have been enjoying His Majesty's favour until late last night and might not get up early today. That's why we have waited until now to come here. Truth be told, words cannot describe how considerate His Majesty is of Young Master. Early this morning, he dispatched a servant to the residence of the Empress Dowager to say that Young Master is feeling tired and would not be going over there to pay respects today. We have just come from the Empress Dowager's palace and heard this personally so we made an appointment to come over here to greet you instead."

When Su Yi heard those words, he felt that a large rock had taken up residence in his heart. He could neither force it down nor spit it up, so embarrassed that he felt ashamed and unable to show his face. The concubines then realised that he was feeling bashful and discomfited and stopped teasing him, and instead chatted to him about other things. Suddenly, a voice was heard from beyond the window: "Has my Mother Empress woken up yet? Your son and subject [1] has specially come to pay my respects, heh."

That Su Yi wished nothing more than to bite down in frustration was not surprising, but upon hearing that voice, the gathered concubines became aghast and their faces blanched with fright. With all haste, they stood up; judging by their behaviour they longed for a hole to open up in the ground so that they burrow into it for refuge.

Su Yi thought in his heart: It seems that that little devil has so terrorised these people that they have become utterly intimidated by him. Well, if he thinks of me as being of the same mettle as them, he is sorely mistaken. Wanyan Xu is inept when it comes to teaching his son, today I will administer a lesson in his stead to this little Crown Prince of Jin Liao and have him learn how he should behave himself.

He watched as Wanyan Shuo charged through the door full of high-spirits and excitement, the smile on his face becoming even more animated when he noticed the presence of the concubines. In a loud voice he said: "Oh, so my Mother Concubines are here too. Wow, almost the full roster is here, almost like you have all received personal invitations." So saying, after he swept his eyes over each and every one of them, he said: "Why is Concubine Yin not here? She is too self-important, even if we don't consider that she has already lost favour with my Royal Father. She would still not be as important as the Empress, even if she still enjoys his favour. Hehe, this is a significant breach of protocol, she has shown such disrespect for her betters." After these passing remarks, he looked at Su Yi and said: "Mother Empress, don't be angry, I will go and retrieve her right now for you to vent your anger." So saying, he really turned to leave.

Su Yi gave a "humph" before saying: "Don't leave yet, I have something to ask you. Why have you come here?"

Immediately, Wanyan Shuo stared at him with a pair of wide eyes, with an air of great astonishment, as if Su Yi was making a fuss over a small matter, he said: "Why have I come? Mother Empress, do you really have to ask? Naturally it is to pay my respects."

Su Yi nodded and said: "Then I'll have to thank you for keeping me in your thoughts. That will do, now that you have paid your respects you can return, you do not need to concern yourself with my affairs."

Before the sound of his voice had time to fade, Wanyan Shuo, full of zest, said: "Mother Empress, what you said is not quite correct, not only have I come to greet you, but I am to stay here to listen to your teachings. Since you are now the Mother of the Nation, and I am the Crown Prince, you are naturally responsible for my education and guidance." As he was speaking, he was rubbing his hands together in glee, in his heart he thought: I won't make it so easy for you to get rid of me so quickly.

What he did not know was that Su Yi was actually waiting for him to say exactly this. With a glance at the congregation of concubines, who were still trembling with fear, Su Yi said: "All of you, please return to your own residences. I have to devote my energy to the serious business of the Crown Prince's education." So saying he stood up, the broad smile he was wearing on his face aroused deep suspicion in Zi Nong's heart. She thought to herself: The little Crown Prince is too impertinent --- if the tiger does not demonstrate his might, he treats it like a weak kitten --- looks like this time, he will be at a disadvantage.

Among the concubines, there were a few genuinely kind souls. They were anxious for Su Yi, and kept turning back to cast worried glances at him as they left. Su Yi strode to stand in front of Wanyan Shuo and said: "Since I now bear the responsibility for bringing you up well, then you should come with me now." After saying that, he turned and headed out of the room.

End of Chapter 45

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