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Chapter 41

Su Yi raised his head and looked at him blankly, but when he finally managed to decipher the meaning of Wanyan Xu's words, his face became the colour of a cooked prawn and his refined brows shot up in an expression of indignation. He didn't know where he managed to find the strength, but he managed to shove Wanyan Xu away with an arm and said: "Don't you dare."

As a result of being shoved, Wanyan Xu staggered a little and helplessly spread his hands to indicate surrender. Forcing a laugh he said: "Su Su, I [1] really don't have any other intentions. That type... that type of thing really shouldn't be allowed to remain inside that place. It will cause diarrhoea and a great deal of pain. You yourself... You can't bring yourself to do it anyway... If I really wanted to do something else, I would have done it on the bed, why would I wait until now?"

So saying, he took a few steps towards Su Yi, hugged him and said: "Su Su, I know that you're shy but there's nothing for it, for the sake of your little stomach bear with it for a while." After saying this, with the speed of wind, his hand shot out and struck several of Su Yi's acupoints to immobilize him and arranged his body so that Su Yi was leaning forward on his knees, with his head resting on Wanyan Xu's shoulder [2]. After making sure that Su Yi's head was totally clear of the water, only then did Wanyan Xu carefully part those long and slender legs. Looking down, he could see that the small opening had become red and swollen and flakes of dried blood stained the surface. Already loosened from being soaked in water, after he rubbed them lightly, the flakes promptly dissolved and vanished into the water.

Wanyan Xu gazed attentively at the little cavity that had provided him with fathomless pleasure, while slowly dragging the tip of his finger over the gathered folds in swirling motions, he sighed and said: "Poor little thing, it has become so swollen. I feel distressed too when I look at it, but after we do that a few more times, it will not be so delicate anymore." So saying, he gently extended a finger into that channel. Because it had already been lubricated with ointment and his own semen, his finger was able to slip in without much effort. Following that, a stream of white fluid was squeezed out, slowly dissipating when it met the water.

If Su Yi's acupoints had not been sealed, at this time, he would probably have bitten off his tongue in an attempt at suicide. He had not felt such intense shame even when he had been buffeted by lust into losing control in the bedroom just now. At this time, he would not have been restrained from attempting to end his life even if his own mother, father and brothers were being threatened, let alone those close friends and relatives that Wanyan Xu had kept imprisoned in his prison. It was fortuitous for Su Yi that in truth, Wanyan Xu only had the intention of cleaning the residual semen from him, and was not trying to take liberties or toy with him. After a few pumps of his finger, the flow of white liquid lessened and eventually stopped but unfortunately, the thing on his own lower half was now standing up tall again.

After he had meticulously given that opening another thorough rinse, he could see that even the swelling had subsided substantially. However, Wanyan Xu could feel the flames of desire scorching his own body again. Feeling awkward, he looked at Su Yi and saw that Su Yi was glowering at him unhappily. He hurried to put on a smile and said: "Su Su, that... I... I was just thinking... as you can see, night has just fallen... why not... why don't we do it one more time?" As he was saying that, he was undoing Su Yi's acupoints at the said time. No longer silenced, Su Yi ground out these words behind his gritted teeth: "Do it o more time? And then you will accompany me here and wash me out like this again?"

Looking at Su Yi's demeanour, Wanyan Xu thought to himself that if he really attempted to do it again that night, Su Yi would either be angry enough to attempt to devour him or he would try to kill himself by severing his tongue. He gave a long sigh, reminding himself that, alas, he really couldn't afford to rile up his beloved too much, otherwise even if he really did have those people held hostage in his prison, it would be of no use. With a disappointed face, he could only say mournfully: "Then... alright, it's not a big deal if we don't do it again." He accompanied these words with dramatically tragic sighs, as if the legendary Potion of Immortality had been placed right before his eyes, but he could not partake of it. Then, he carried Su Yi out of the pool where palace maids were ready and waiting to hand over things like towels and combs.

Su Yi had already been fatigued by the sex --- his back was sore and his legs were shaky --- in addition that, the fiddling of his body by Wanyan Xu while they were soaking in the pool had further sapped his strength. Wanyan Xu took a towel and rubbed his body dry, and then helped him into a white sleeping robe that reached to the floor. It was loosely fastened with a band of intricately worked brocade and its collar was tailored to be draped in a semi-open style. Thus dressed, he projected an indefinable glamour; coupled with the noble way he carried himself --- lofty and as unsullied as freshly fallen snow --- he appeared so graceful that he did not seem to be of this earth and Wanyan Xu could only stare at him as if he had been entranced. Two of the palace maids came forward to assist in combing their hair, but were prevented from doing so by Wanyan Xu who picked up a comb and began to attend to Su Yi's hair himself. Su Yi's luxuriant hair fell to his waist like a sheet of the finest black satin, the silken strands were soft and shiny, extremely pliable to the touch and Wanyan Xu couldn't resist playing with it as he combed.

As he was stroking Su Yi's hair admiringly, he also said: "On the day of your capture, when I tormented you by making you walk in the wake of the war chariots, the thing that left the deepest impression on me was this head of long hair. Under the light of the sun, it actually appeared to have a dark green tint. But after a few days of walking, your hair seemed to have dried out --- it had taken on a yellowish hue --- and I began to feel a bit worried that it would be ruined forever; luckily it seems to have regained its vitality in the end. Su Su, as the owner of this fine head of hair, your own strength should not be its lesser, should it?"

Su Yi gave a "humph", he understood perfectly well that Wanyan Xu was borrowing this opportunity to counsel him to get over this trial and try to cheer up but Su Yi was unable to see how he could possibly do that. With impatience, he said: "Have you finished combing or not? If you don't know how to do it properly then let others do it." Looking into the mirror, he watched as Wanyan Xu picked up a lock of his hair, after looping it a few times he secured it with a hairpin carved out of white jade [3]. The contrast of black hair with white hairpin was especially alluring, and made Su Yi appear as charming as the finest jade. Of course, none of these musings would have ever occurred to Su Yi and he stood up silently. Wanyan Xu rushed to carry him up again and the two returned together to the bed chamber.

Su Yi was lying on the bed lost in his own thoughts, but when he noticed that Wanyan Xu had the jade box in his hands again, he cried out in consternation: "You... you... you promised that tonight you won't again... again..." But he could not finish the sentence because he was unable to bring himself to utter the rest of the shameful words.

Wanyan Xu saw that Su Yi was greatly distressed and hurried to explain: "No, it's not what you think, this box has two layers, the first one is that ointment I used just now, the other layer contains a medicine that has healing properties. You were bleeding from that area and it was red and swollen. Once this medicine is applied to it, the pain will vanish at speed and you will feel exceedingly comfortable. Su Su, endure it a while longer, once the medicine has been applied you can have a good sleep. Otherwise, it would be hard to tell how much pain you will have to suffer, or how uncomfortable you will be tonight. I am absolutely not trying to deceive you; this drug is extremely effective and precious. Come; turn your body over for the time being."

End of Chapter 41

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