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 Chapter 84

As Su Yi looked at the retreating figures of the two people, he couldn't help but to give a knowing smile as he said to Wanyan Xu: "Looking at this pair of uncle and nephew, even though they are not related by blood at all, they have a warmer relationship than many other uncles and nephews that really have consanguinity. I have never seen Shuo Er become so stuck to someone's side in this manner before."

Wanyan Xu also smiled and said. "It is only because that little fellow knows that although Xia Er's temperament is cold and aloof, he is still extremely open and guileless. With such a character, he can provide him with endless amusement. What I did not expect is that Xia Er will actually put up with his nonsense. With a character like his, I really thought that after he had suffered several losses at Shuo Er's hands, he would certainly chase that little fellow away." So saying, he gave a sigh and continued: "Previously, I still did not believe that he could bring himself to treat us with sincerity, after all, such deeply held grudges and hatred is not something that could be forgotten easily. But who could have thought that after just a few occasions, even I cannot help but come to think of him as my own kin younger brother."

Su Yi nodded his head and said: "Although his face is always impassive, but his heart is very warm. For someone like him to have spent his life in loneliness ever since his childhood, how could he not crave familial affection now? I am really gratified to be able to say this, I heard from Zi Nong that just the other day, the Empress Dowager came upon him on a small path by coincidence. By right, it should have been a very awkward scene, but Shuo Er managed to smooth it over and the Empress Dowager even allowed him to bring Shuo Er to her palace in future to play. In my opinion, this is really a most desirable outcome." Clasping him, Wanyan Xu smiled and said: "Exactly so, come to think if it, we have to thank you for everything."

Su Yi looked closely at his expression, and deemed him to be exceptionally happy at the moment. After hesitating for a moment, he beamed and opened his mouth to say: "Wanyan, since everything has come to such a satisfactory conclusion, then let us not pursue those things that happened in the past..." Before he could finish his speech, he saw that a murderous glint had flashed in Wanyan Xu's eyes.

Wanyan Xu said blandly: "I have my own ideas about that matter." So saying, he looked towards Su Yi. Fearing that he would be uneasy, he quickly put on a smile and brought the bowl of soup to his line of sight and said: "Su Su, tomorrow will be the day of the Lantern Festival [2], I have said that we won't speak of official matters during this period of time, why then, spoil the fun with such talk. Come, be good and finish drinking this bowl of soup."

Su Yi looked at the bowl of soup with furrowed brows, after a long time, his face began to take on a pleading look as he looked towards Wanyan Xu and said: "My illness has been more or less cured... can I... can I not drink this? It's really very bitter." He looked at Wanyan Xu, who was wearing a helpless look on his face, and thought again of how that decoction was really bitter to the extreme. Unconsciously he shifted forward, closer to Wanyan Xu, and tugging on his lover's robes, he said plaintively: "Promise me, Wanyan. It is really extremely bitter, let me skip it just this once, alright? Just this once please." Even if Su Yi himself did not realise it, his actions at this moment could be very plainly categorised as a kind of behaviour that was termed as "coquettish" [3].

Wanyan Xu looked at him, and saw that his face was flushed red as he pleaded earnestly with him. He had never seen Su Yi this way before --- he was showing his softer side readily. He felt that this was an exceedingly fascinating and charming aspect of Su Yi, so intoxicating that at this moment, he didn't even know where his own soul had flown off to. It seemed that he only regained his senses after half a day; when he did, he could not help but to hug Su Yi and hoisted him up only to resettle him onto his own lap. In a solemn voice, Wanyan Xu said: "Since Su Su says that the medicine is bitter, then let me drink it together with you. Previously, when you were suffering punishment for those crimes, I had no way to share them with you but from now on, if you meet with any matter that you find bitter, I will undertake them together with you." So saying, he took up the bowl of medicine and took a big gulp into his mouth.

Su Yi gaped at him for a spell, dumbstruck. He had never expected that Wanyan Xu would actually do such a thing and he couldn't help but to say urgently: "Really, you are too wilful, you even consume medicine recklessly... oh..." The rest of his words were drowned within Wanyan Xu's mouth, and a bitter taste gradually began to spread around his own mouth. It turned out that Wanyan Xu had not actually consumed the medicine, but he was merely using his mouth to transfer the medicine to Su Yi.

"Ke ke ke..." The medicine tasted so bitter that Su Yi choked and had to cough a few times. Su Yi gave Wanyan Xu a fierce glare, before saying peevishly: "It's better if I do it myself." So saying, he picked up the down of medicine and downed its contents in one gulp, pinching his nose all the while. To see him act rashly out of a feeling of injustice was so amusing to Wanyan Xu that he had to laugh out loud; he felt that this type of Su Yi was really matchlessly adorable. He said: "Is it really so bitter? En [4] ..." He didn't finish the sentence, instead he belt his body and using his lips, he removed the dregs of bitter medicine that remained in Su Yi's mouth. Gradually, this already ambiguous gesture that carried a tinge of licentiousness developed into fiery hot deep kissing.

The plum tree grove was still and quiet at this time, among the palace maids and eunuchs chosen to serve them, there was not one who would not be circumspect. They had discreetly retreated long ago; at this time, in this delicately fragranced nook between Heaven and Earth, only two people were left and they were immersed in an atmosphere that was as sweet as honey.

Suddenly a voice rang out that promptly managed to kill the beautiful mood. It said: "Imperial Father, Mother Empress." An overexcited child rushed headlong into the pavilion only to see the two people who he had addressed as Imperial Father and Mother Empress jump apart at a speed that was akin to a clap of thunder reaching the ear. With the greatest difficulty they recovered and managed to sit upright and still in a more decorous fashion.

"Mother Empress." A mischievous smile was written all over Wanyan Shuo's countenance.

"En?" Although Su Yi was striving with all his might to achieve a calm voice, he still could not disguise the discomfiture and embarrassment in his tone.

"Ke ke, the buttons on your clothes are all undone." Wanyan Shuo "kindly" brought this to his attention, causing his Empress Mother to immediately hang down his head, so that it was hidden below the level of the top of the table. Wickedly, he refused to let the utterly mortified Su Yi off and said: "As far as I can tell, on a cold day as this, it is really not suitable to engage in any exercise that would necessitate the undoing of one's clothes. This is especially so since Mother Empress's body is still weak, besides no matter how you see it, this is still just a pavilion..."

Behind his beloved, Wanyan Xu received a heavy punch from him. It hurt so much that the pain had almost distorted his face; it would seem like this time, his beloved was really angry. Just now, he had desperately tried to dissuade Wanyan Xu but he was still being teased over the debauched appearance that Wanyan Xu had caused. For Su Yi not to kill him could already be considered a mercy. To deal with this son --- small of stature, but big on mischief and derring-do --- Wanyan Xu was reduced to shouting out in a very irresponsible manner: "Xia Er, Xia Er, quickly come and take Shuo Er to play..."

"No need to shout anymore. The bones in the broken leg of the rabbit in Uncle's house have grown longer and is ready to be set, he is busy right now." Wanyan Shuo gave his Imperial Father an assessing look. Sure enough, he saw that his Imperial Father was looking back at him in bewilderment. He said: "What does that have to do with taking you away to play...? What? What did you say?" Just as he was sighing to himself that his Imperial Father was really too stupid, he was momentarily stunned by the loud roar he gave. Wanyan Xu stood up in great excitement, in his haste his trembling hand knocked a few dishes off of the table and a flurry of crashing noises soon followed.

End of Chapter 84

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